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RE: Joe's Nighttime Brew

in Hive Learners • 2 years ago

ayyiii... Merit likes my photos ooo😊😊

I actually intend to share more photos here. I just can't do much of mobile photography till I get a new phone, or fix my current phone at least. It's been in shambles for months now.

You want to try the concoction? Please, I no fit answer to daddy Merit oo.

 2 years ago  

So the phone that's taking all this attractive pictures isn't good?

Lemme just be planning how I will be oppressed when you get a better phone or repair this one 😩 na wa o

Daddy Merit will understand, nor fear

 2 years ago  


The phone isn't mine. I borrowed a friend's phone to take them.
I am hoping to get one soon enough, though.

 2 years ago  

Oh I see
I hope you get one soon 🥲