"You can only take the horse to the river, but you cannot force it to drink from it."
...is a statement that I think I am just beginning to understand much better.
It's disheartening to have someone close leverage on your support and trust, only to do what you'd detest... even more so to find that the individual in question does it right under your nose.
Onboarding is a risk, and everybody knows it. But we do it anyway because we feel a wonderful ecosystem like Hive should be shared with the world and not hoarded.
But what can we do? We cannot have complete control over our newbies. Say we even can...for how long?
I don't know how people can stomach reading something that's not theirs but passed as "unique.". Where's the integrity in that?
There's a fine line between "unique" and "original," and people often miss it.
where is the fulfilment in it? having to look at your content and cannot proudly say it is originally yours. When I go through my content, I am always fulfilled because I know they were from my thinking, thoughts and experiences shared.