in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)


[Picture taken by me]

I was casually going through my phone earlier today, looking for images and videos to remove in order to free up capacity on my phone. During the process, I came across some photos I had taken a while ago with the purpose of writing about them, but I forgot.

My estate lost power yesterday due to a little explosion in 'I'm not sure where precisely.' We were informed that there would be no power for 24-48 hours, depending on how long it took to locate and resolve the problem.

I was with a few neighbours when we got this information. While a neighbour was grumbling and complaining about having put off charging her phone all day since we were accustomed to having a steady power supply where we reside. I wasn't concerned in the least because I knew my power bank (JAGO) would keep me going for that long.

I don't have a generator, therefore, my power bank (Jago) is the next best thing. If you're wondering what Jago means, it's because I have this odd habit where I name my things, especially the ones I really do like. For example, my laptop is named "Caramel."

[Picture taken by me]

My backup plan in this situation is my power bank. While some were furious and taken off guard, I was unconcerned since I knew I had a backup plan in place.

I'd be in a mess if I didn't have JAGO. I had a gig to finish by the end of the next day.

I'm not the type to go around looking for a place to charge. Also, I wasn't going to go out and get some pricey food because the restaurants surrounding me would never let you sit in their space for hours without buying something.

Honestly, I'm trying so hard to make some sense here. I'm simply hoping that someone receives the message.

Do you tend to put all your eggs in one basket? Or would you rather be the one with multiple options?

[GIF from Tenor on PeakD]

I'd like to think I'm hitting two birds with one stone. The first bird represents me posting this piece in the hope that someone in need may find it. The second bird is essentially myself, reminding me that I need to treat myself better.

[GIF from Tenor on PeakD]

This is me telling myself that planning is necessary if I want to succeed in life. This is my way of stating to you and to myself that there is no limit to how far we may go as long as we do not limit ourselves to a singular option. I believe that it is never too late to start over.

In Nigerian pidgin, we'd say "If one door close, another better one go open." This means that if one door closes, a better one will open up to us. The question is, how can you have additional eggs to fry if all your eggs are broken as a result of the toppling of that one basket you placed them in?

It's funny how writing this piece has opened my mind to the realisation that I need to figure out what my Plan B is, and I need to do it fast.

[GIF from Tenor on PeakD]

Thank you for your time!


Wahala for who no get Jago😂

 3 years ago  

Abeg free me🤣🤣🤣🤣


 3 years ago  

Aaaah😂😂😂. I watch a movie some days ago where a lady use to call her backpack baby😂,and I was amused by it. Then I got to read this😂😂.

 3 years ago  

Lmao🤣. It's a normal thing for me now actually.

Hey @omosefe! Nice post. I totally agree that we should always have backup plans because change will sometimes come and we must be ready so as not to be caught unprepared. Good thing you have your 'Jago'! 😄

For your DreemPort submission to scale through smoothly, please indicate the sources of your images and GIFs. Very important 😉. Thank you!

 3 years ago (edited) 

Good thing you have your 'Jago'! 😄


For your DreemPort submission to scale through smoothly, please indicate the sources of your images and GIFs. Very important 😉. Thank you!

I guess I didn't scale through this time. I will be careful next time. Thanks for the tip.

No, you can scale editing your post now. Under the images, if the pictures were taken by you, say so and for the GIFs, indicate the website you got them or if it's from peakd editor, say so. It's that simple. 🙂

 3 years ago  

Ohhhh, I'd do it right away. Thank you.

 3 years ago  

I just made the necessary corrections. Please tell me if I got it right.

Great! You did it, well done. 😄

 3 years ago  

Thank goodness😊.


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It's always wise to plan ahead :)

I found your post via Dreemport 🙌

 3 years ago  

Thank you for engaging.

And thank you for posting 🙌

 3 years ago  


 3 years ago  

Well, I am not surprised when I heard you call your powerbank a "Jago" 😁

I have a friend who also names her belongings a human or pet name...I just wonder if she's alright but I found out she loved it that way.

So it's a good thing you have your "Jago" as a back up plan that way you focus than allowing your mind wondering if there's a possibility they will magically bring power to your estate.

 3 years ago  

Well, I am not surprised when I heard you call your powerbank a "Jago" 😁

Lol, this makes me feel good. People are mostly surprised that I name my things. Thank you for your comment.

 3 years ago  

M utmost pleasure dearest...naming inanimate object is a gesture of Love and care for your belongings. They sought of have a place in your heart.

 3 years ago  

This is the truth. I don't joke with my things at all.

 3 years ago  

I can relate very well 🙌

 3 years ago  

I actually love how you name your precious belongings
Jago is your power bank
Caramel is your laptop
Your phone is what?🤔🤔 If you don't mind 😜😜

 3 years ago  

My phone is 'baby'🤣🤣🤣

 3 years ago  

Really? 😂😂 interesting

 3 years ago  


I also name my devices and things I love. My freezer is named Ali (after Prince Ali in Aladdin) and my car is named Kate after a favorite character in a book. I'm a huge proponent of always have a back up plan like this.

 3 years ago  

Finally! Someone who gets me 😁. I love love love Aladdin.

Smart move. Was the internet also still working?

 3 years ago  

Of course. I have my mifi (Cecilia😌) 24/7.

haha you are like me, I name everything too!
Popped in from dreemport tonight!

 3 years ago (edited) 

I mean, how can we not name our things?😁😁

I found out about #dreemport through Iskafan last week Friday and I can't believe how much I've been missing.

hehe I know right! We gotta name things:)
Ah Iskafan told you about dreemport, excellent well if you have any questions just shout, I am pretty sure I saw you in dreemport discord..

 3 years ago  

Yes she did. And, yes I am in the Discord server but I'm just an observer for now.

aha well I am there too, so feel free to message if you need any help:)

 3 years ago  

Awwwww, thank you 😁

Also, my suggestion is if you can afford it, another spare battery pack (perhaps Jaga? hahaha, jago's mate) and alternate them, and that way if one burns up or stops working, then you have a spare. This would be because you do not have a generator.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.You wrote a paragraph twice @omosefe, and 2 almost identical pictures. Perhaps remove one? Only a suggestion.

 3 years ago  

You wrote a paragraph twice @omosefe, and 2 almost identical pictures. Perhaps remove one? Only a suggestion

Oh, I'll check out the paragraphs and make corrections. I actually used both pictures on purpose. To spot the difference, you have to look at my thumb. Thank you for pointing it out.

Also, my suggestion is if you can afford it, another spare battery pack (perhaps Jaga? hahaha, jago's mate) and alternate them, and that way if one burns up or stops working, then you have a spare.

Perhaps I should really get me a Jaga 🤣😁

 3 years ago  

@jamerussell I just corrected the paragraphs, thank you again for pointing it out.

I was thinking of a backup plan for charging my (borrowed 🤧) system when I saw this, aside the fact that I was asked what my plan is if I don't pass the probation stage of the course I'm taking, I think this is a call for me to get backup plans. I've never taken it seriously and sometimes I regret not having one.
Thank you very much 😊

But how come you're comfortable naming objects around you? ☹️
One time I started, my siblings laughed at me for weeks 😂 and that was the end 😂

 3 years ago  

I've never taken it seriously and sometimes I regret not having one.
Thank you very much

You're most welcome. PS: I challenge you to start saving up for yours. N500 today, N1,ooo tomorrow and you'd be amazed at how much you'd raise in no time.

But how come you're comfortable naming objects around you? ☹️
One time I started, my siblings laughed at me for weeks 😂 and that was the end 😂

My friends laughed at first, but hey, everyone has gotten used to it.

Challenge accepted 😌👍
Thank you 😊

 3 years ago  

You're most welcome again.

I really Find you post interesting and educative. Using one stone to kill to birds isn't?