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RE: I Know 6 Languages!

in Hive Learners3 years ago

Awesome post!
I know 4 languages really, English, Hebrew Spanish and Portuguese. I can kinda understand some Italian and Arabic, since they're pretty close to. My native tounges (English and Hebrew) but I can't for the life of me understand French... The accent is so strong... I can read it though, which is nice.
If I could learn a language for no other reason othe than love of it, I would learn traditional Chinese. I love the ancient culture amd would love to be able to read the original texts...

If you could learn a language for no practical reason, just for fun, what would it be?

 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing your story with me and visiting my blog. Just thinking about Chinese alphabets is hard and learning it is off my thinking capacity.

If I had to learn a language it would be English. You might be wondering if I am talking in English then why? The thing is even yesterday, I revised the difference between "on the bed" and "in the bed", the use of the word "waterlogging" and much more. I have to continuously learn and revise english. To my surrounding, I might be good but when I am chatting and a new word appears, I don't like it.

Spreading !LUV