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Anger is something anyone will always wish or want to avoid but the more you try to avoid it, the more tempted you find yourself because you will always see someone that will provoke you which will trigger your mood. Like we all know that anger is a state of displeasure in which you might be tempted to harm the people next to you. It is very important we learn how to control our anger in order not to regret your actions later when you're finally calm.
This reminds me of what happened years back, although I was still young but I noticed I provoked my mom and I have never seen her like that before. Few years back, I was told to cook food but because I was watching a movie, I didn't listen to my mom, I decided to turn deaf ears. When she came out few hours later thinking that the white rice would have been ready since there was Stew available, she met me watching TV, when she requested for the food, I quickly ran to the kitchen to prepare it and that was how I received slap from behind. I was very angry, although it was my fault that I didn't carryout the work that was given to me. To cut the Story short, I burnt the food because I was in my room, it was more like I did that on purpose because I was very angry, this made my mom to beat me and later gave me a punishment to finish the food. I thought she was actually joking when she said I should finish the food, but she wasn't.
I ate the food for three days because the rice was much. The short story is to tell you all that being angry is not good, it will actually make you do things that you will end up regretting but if we can control the anger and use it to do something good, we'll end up being happy. If I was able to control my anger, the rice would have come out well and everyone would have been able to eat without staying hungry and I wouldn't have served that punishment.
There are still many things we do out of anger just like those in relationships, when they see that their partner has offended them, out of anger, some might even hit their partner or do something very hasty that might even ruin their relationship. Acting out of anger is never a way to solve things but if only we can control it and us it to do something good, the relationship will be something everyone will love to copy from.
Ever since I noticed that whenever I'm angry, I might end up doing something I will regret, I try my best to always control myself. The only way I can do that is just to leave the place or better still, I will try not to quarrel with anyone in order to let peace reign. And since I have been doing that, it has been of help to me.
Let's learn how to control our anger by all means and Chanel it into something positive so that when we look back, we'll be happy we did that and not regretting what we have done.
It's right for anyone to feel angry towards others may be because of what they did to them. But, controlling it, and not letting it take over them is the best thing a person should learn.
You're are very correct, we shouldn't let our anger to get the best in us, we have to be the one to control those angers and no the other way round.
Truly we have to control our Anger otherwise it harms our attitude.
Yeah it's true
Thanks for stopping by ☺️
Nancy, the punishment your mum gave was not a 🤣 joke. Like you finished the burnt rice for 3days? 🤣🤣🤣, How did you enjoy it....hope you was polluting the environment within those days. 😂😂😂
Your mum eehhh, I comot cap for her.
Anger can surely make one to act unsual but it's something we can control.
Thanks for sharing your story 👌🤗
Omo the first day she watched me while I was eating it and crying at the same time, she didn't even bother to tell me sorry but the next day I had to find my way, I wouldn't have been able to finish the rice in three days if not for the little trick I did that made it look like I finished it🤣🤣🤣
Anyways, it's all in the past now, I'm sure she doesn't even remember this story anymore 🤣🤣 but I do like as if it was yesterday
Sorry Nancy
Thank you 😌
Though anger is a feeling that is unavoidable.. learning how to control our anger is necessary.
I learnt from your story too!
Nice one dear!
Glad to hear that you learnt something from my story, thanks for your contribution too
You're welcome
I am so glad that I have overcome anger and in perfect control of my emotions, this skill takes time and experience to develope and I encourage everyone to try too.thanks for this lovely piece
Thanks for your contribution I really appreciate
Controlling anger is very difficult but definitely possible with effort. We must all keep it under control or we will be in danger
That's true, we must learn how to keep it under control
Eeyah... Anger canbbe dangerous indeed. It blinds us from seeing reason. And that cannbe our undoing.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
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Anger management has helped many that is why we need to work on our anger or we will regret our actions later.
Waltzed in through dreemport.
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This post was obtained through Dreemport.Anger rears it's ugly head much more prevalent in people's younger days, when they have not given a lot of thought to the consequences of that emotion. Acting in haste or on impulse is almost never good unless you are trained for it. And anger also has many causes as well, whether it's personal, or someone does something to someone else, or whatever the reason, it can cause major problems. When directed against you, it can cause physical problems such as stress, for one. That is a major issue, and can have long term effects. If it is you that is angry, you are correct, you do not want reactions to have adverse conditions that you can later regret. Excellent post @otuyanancy!
Thanks for your support I really appreciate