It's true that some people were born with talent while some had to learn in order to get a talent. Not all who were born with such talent knows and even if they're aware of their talents, not all makes good use of it, some just see it as something normal within them. I have see many people wishing they had talent like others, they wish they didn't have to go pay money to learn such.
There are different talents and each person with their own special one, someone with a very nice and melodious voice will sing for you and you will get to like the song even if you don't know the song as of that time, while someone with his regular voice will sing and you will even have to tell him to keep quiet in order not to spoil the song🤣
Most people still don't know that they have good talents. One thing is to have a talent, another is to know you have such gifts within you and the best part is to make good use of such talent, which one do you belong to? If you don't know you're good at something, I think you should settle down and think of those things people praise you with, I'm sure someone might have told you that you're very good at something, try to remember so you can discover your talent, so it won't be too late for you.
If you have been following my post, you will know that I have talked about my talent before but I don't think I mention when and how I got to know my skill. Well I know how to make hair but I don't use it to make money because I find it very tiring to do, standing for hours just to make one person's hair is very stressful to me that's why I don't like telling people that I'm good at making hair.
When I was about 13 years old, I was using my kid sister's hair to play and while playing, I made all back for her without any stress. When my mom saw what I did, she said and I quote "so you can make hair and you're just displaying it now". I didn't know what to say then but I was happy because I like playing with my sister's hair then.
My sister stopped going to the salon because of my skills and she had to make new hair each week because of school and then I was on a low cut. I started braiding her hair even during the holidays, I braided her hair then at times I will also do my mom's own. I did that for a while before I stopped after my mom travelled. So to cut the whole story short, I discovered my talent through my mom and sister and I wouldn't have known if I didn't play around with my sister's hair 😉😉
I'm sure many people are yet to discover what they're good at, it will be very nice if you can do so.
You really discover your talent so early and that is where people are making it, when to make my hair I spent 6,000 naira and this because we are friends of not it will be more than that, wow, it's means you are making it too.
To make hair now is very expensive, I can't remember the last time I went to the salon to braid, the only thing I do now is just to wear my wig😂😂
Hahaha that is the easiest way to be free from this expensive ooo, I think is a nice idea you have given me
Glad I can help 😃
wow, very unique and good talent. The way discovers your talent is also unique. I hope you can develop your talent in the future
Thanks for stopping by
You're welcome