Abigail Betrayed my Trust for Her

in Hive Learners3 years ago (edited)


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I couldn't let a day pass me by without going to her house to check up on her, I sometimes go to her house twice or even trice a day, I was imagining the kind of love I've so much cultivated for her that she fell sick on the day I was embarking on my journey, I didn't think it twice but had to postpone the journey of which I spent over five months preparing for and never have to travel again. All I could remember was that the love was massive, she once told me their cushions and her bedsheets smells like me, well I am not surprise about that because how else can her room tell her how much of my presence it has seen, the most little child in their house was just two years plus then but he could call my name when he sees me coming to the house from afar because of the dexterity of my presence in their house. I couldn't imagine my Life without her until I could imagine😀, I call her my better half and the Love of my Life, she was the most perfect being I could see and I loved her immeasurably.

The first year of our relationship with Abigail was like heaven on earth, we promised each other to stick to one another, I was confident of the love I had for her and it's certain that my Love for her could fuel the promises I've made for her.

Abigail traveled for a program and I went sober because this was the person I could not go a day without seeing her but I have to miss her for three good days.
The first day wasn't funny for me and so also the second but something happened on the second day.
I told Abigail not to break my heart because I don't know how to survive it and even if I do I don't know how to console myself for the rest of my life, she said she got my back and she wouldn't do anything to hurt my feeling, her words came forth like bricks extracted from an igneous rock that can not be shattered, her eyes where fixed on mine and I was glimpsing heavily at the ray of sincerity coming from her bright pupil, I don't know but was I really seeing well😀? Maybe you will help answer this question just when I'm done telling you all my story.

Abigail called me the night in the second day of her absence from home and told me to hold close my phone she is about to drop me a message, I asked her hope all is fine? What's the problem and why do you sound so different on the phone this evening? before I could say anything further, she cut off the call, what's happening? my brains began to question my tender heart. My heart couldn't profer a solution but only bits the walls around my chest searching enormously what went wrong or what the problem might be. I was very hungry that night so my aunt suggested I cook some white rice since there's left over stew in the fridge. I went to the kitchen and put the rice on fire so I could per-boil the rice and throw off the starch before the main cooking. I laid down on the cushion in my aunt's house steering eagerly on my phone screen for a message from my Lover and better half. At long last the message came in and it reads;

Am very sorry Ovey, I can't continue to date You because my Ex-boyfriend wants me back and I want to go back to Him.

The cushion seems to be on fire for me, I laid down flat helplessly on the tiles and tears was just rushing out of my eyes, Breakfast (Breakup) came very Hot😀, I could feel the obstruction in my breath I didn't know I was hungry, I forgot I was, my aunty came out and saw me on the floor and shouted what's wrong with me and why do I want to set the house ablaze. I pleaded with her to forgive me but I couldn't tell her what's actually wrong with me. Now to cover up for my face and clothes which is already socked with tears looking at my aunt, I told her my chest is so much paining me she left and went to the kitchen to prepare the rice.
Abigail why did You Betray my Trust and Love for You? How comes I didn't see all this coming I can't believe am fooled, I can't believe you betrayed my trust and Love for you, I wrote everything I could and send my heart broken love letter to Abigail through her Friend with my wrapped gifts for her.
Abigail couldn't handle the heat from my letter to her, her friend told me and she's broken and wants us back but I don't usually go back you know I told her friend. If as gentle as Abigail was looking as she was promising me not to ever hot my feelings and she could do this to me how much more tomorrow, I don't ignore red flags. I trained myself to forget about Abigail and I did. Her relationship with her Ex-boyfriend lasted few weeks and she continued searching😊.

I've come to the end of my story 😊, please endeavor to use the comment box and thank you so much for reading through my entry for Hive learners weekly contest for Week twelve episode one.

Thank you

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 3 years ago  

i Pray that will Give you another love.
Thanks For sharing.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for reading through my Post ma..🙌💜

 3 years ago  

The pleasure is mine.
Hope to see Ovey's hard copy someday. It has always been soft copy. Hahaha.

 3 years ago  

Oh, what a betrayal from Abigail. She loved her ex still dating you.

Be consoled bro🤩, beautiful things are still out there, okay?

 3 years ago  

Yeah... Live goes on🙌💙. Thank you for reading through my entry 🙌💜

 3 years ago  

Omo people are so terrible. How can you claim to love someone at the slightest chance of your absence you drop a message that you want to go back to your ex.

She was just using you to console herself, good you both ended things.

 3 years ago  

Hmmmm... The good thing is that everyone moved on and life is becoming much better...
Thanks for reading through my entry 🙌💞

Red flags should never be ignored, they are there for a reason and to let you know when too fun for your life. This is a beautiful story, I am glad I read it.
Thank you for sharing this with us.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for reading through my entry..,💙🙌

 3 years ago  

Hope the best will come for you

 3 years ago  

Thanks for reading through my entry,💙🙌

 3 years ago  

She just lost gold, we see things like this often in reality. I hope she learned her lessons, choosing to stay away from her is a bold move.

 3 years ago  

Yeah, it's really a bold one I needed to make...
Thank you so much for reading through my entry 💙🙌

 3 years ago  

Keep it up mate, you don't have to hope anymore for a woman like her. Hopefully with this incident you get a better lover than Abigail :)

 3 years ago  

Yeah.. Very true

 3 years ago  

That was really a sad experience, but thanks to God you learnt how to move on.

 3 years ago  

Yeah... Bro..
Experience is a good teacher..

 3 years ago  

It is indeed

 3 years ago  

It's really unfair what Abigail did to you. Nevertheless, you deserve better and you'll find that person. Thank you for sharing.

 3 years ago  

Thanks so much for reading through my entry 💜🙌

 3 years ago  

You're very welcome bro

 3 years ago  

heart breaks hurt alot and yea coming for someone you trully love, probably the three days program she was having happen to be in her ex house😃

 3 years ago  

Lessons properly learned bro😂
Next program I go like excot oo😂😂