**Ramadan Mubarikkk**
Hopefullyy you all are doing well. Today is the first Ramadan and it was a too much good day full of blessings and happiness. Today was also my competition of timawat (recitation) of Quran Kareem in my Madrisah ...... When they announce the winner I was just like hain????? How I..... But Alhamdulillah I won the competition with the 1st position......
We also gift our owner of the jamia a Redin Quran Holder which I made by myself..... It took 4 days but Alhamdulillah it was completed at the last night.. So I want to share my hapiness with you all. Here I had shared yhe final look of the quran Rehal which is called Quran Holder in english made up with resin.
**Final Look**
Rehal Mold
Blue mica powder
Silver flakes
Glass crushes
Metallic silver marker
First of all I took a little amount of resin and added skme hardner in it ..Then I started to mix it welly. I mixed it for 5 minutes when I saw that it is mixed and the amount of bubbles is very less so I captured the beauty in camera.
Then I started to add the silver flakes in it. I added nore flakes in ut because I had to made a wall type structure.
I mixed the resin after adding the flakes ..... I mixed it for 3 minutes for the better results.let me show you.
Then I started to made a wall type structure in a digonal shape with this mixture which I had made.. ket me show you .
Then I added some flakes in the resin and mix it welly. Then I started to droop the falked resin into the rehal mold at the one side of the wall.... Ket me show you what I want to say...
Then I added some blue moca powder in the plan resin. Let me share this step of my process with you all
I started to mix the resin with blue mica powder. I mixed it for 5 minutes when I see the that it become just like a crustal look shiny and glorious..... Let me show you.
Then I started to drop the blue resin in the other side of the wall made up with resin in the resin mold . Let me show you
I spread it the whole mold. I had shared the picture here. Let me show you.
I let it dry for a whole day... Let me show you.
I paste a stiker of a specific shaoe in which the surah of the quran is written ... Let me show you.
Then I added a layer of the resin and some glass curshes on it. I also added some beads on it ... I ket it dry.
I made the other oart in the same way and then fixed it in a specific way... I had shared the final look here. I hope you will like it a lot... A beautiful present for my teacher.
I will come back soon with a new and aesthetic post Inshallah
Thank you so much for visiting my post and loving it a lot
Allah Hafiz and take care
See you later guys
Love a lot
I feeling So Good To Attend Your Madrassa Program.
Awww JazakAllah
Your gift looks good and besides, well do e and keep it up