Your Safety is Your Responsibility: Stay Safe

in Hive Learners10 months ago

Everyday we wake up with lots of optimism, we go to work or work from home just to have a better life for ourselves and love one. We till the soil even in the hot sun and tolerate some angry bosses just to put food on the table. We sleep late at night or don't sleep at all for the sake of survival because no-one will come for you except those you have done no harm but want to cause some harms.

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Even while in your home, you do not do social media nor have quarrel with your neighbor. There are still some people that want to steal your credit card information as well as want to eavesdrop on you conversation and wants to see that private nude you sent to your girl

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They do not want just want thing, they want everything you have.

  1. They want your fiat money
  2. they want your crypto cash
  3. they want to use your credit card
  4. they want to use you debit card
  5. they want your savings
  6. they want to collect load with your details
  7. they want to use your identity(Identity deft)
  8. they want to use your computer resources without your consent
  9. they want to see you get dressed and undressed in your home
  10. they want to hear your conversation with everyone
  11. They want to steal you office mail detail
  12. They want to steal from you as well as your work place.
    ... In a nutshell they want your life

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You Have to protect yourself at all means...

The following are few means to protect yourself.

  1. Ensure your ISP(Internet Service Provider) don't sell you out
  2. Ensure your firewall is turned on
  3. Ensure you are using a VPN preferably a paid one
  4. Ensure you have installed an antivirus and anti-malware preferably a paid one
  5. Ensure you use a very strong password (Possibly different ones for different device or site)
  6. Ensure you do not click on untrusted links or visit malicious site
  7. Buy your software do go about downloading from websites
  8. Stream your movies from trusted site or app (Free is dangerous)

.... Stay safe out there: They want to take you and your life
... Do not let them catch you because I have failed if they do
*... They don't deserve to have a taste of your hard earned money, you can give them to me if you don't want it or donate it to charity