Be Careful of Your Friends

in Hive Learners2 months ago

The saying "Be careful of who you hang out with" has never been clearer to me like it was on the day I almost lost my phone.

photo by Yael Hofnung

During the festive period when majority of the people here had traveled, the rest of us who stayed back decided to come together and basically just sit and have a drink, while we talk about everything and nothing in particular, just having fun.

Now if you know me, you'd know I'm not a huge fan of alcohol. I like the feeling it gives but I hate the process I have to go through to get that feeling, because alcohol has a very bad taste and I have a sweet tooth. But that evening, I had decided to ignore all of that and just have a good time with the guys.

One could say I did it because of peer pressure and they wouldn't be far from the truth (it wouldn't be entirely true either). Anyways, we all sat down (about five of us) and we talked and laughed until it was almost 12am in the morning.

By this time, they were only three of us left and two empty bottles of gin. The other two guys had retired for the night while the rest of us just continued to sit and talk. By the time we decided to call it a night, it was some minutes past twelve and I could tell for a fact that I had taken way too much alcohol than I normally would take, but I was in control well enough to walk up the stairs to my room.

When I got into my room, the first thing I had done was place my hand in my pocket to bring out my phone so that I could turn on the torchlight to go take my bath, and that was when I realized that my pocket was empty. I did a quick search around the room (probably because I was high) before rushing downstairs to go look for the phone, because while searching my room, I had remembered that I had brought out the phone one time and placed it on top of a chair right next to me.

When I got downstairs and saw an empty chair with no phone on it, the alcohol on my eyes cleared up immediately and I sobered up quick. I had gone downstairs with a friend (the second person who was there with us) to go look for the phone and immediately I realized it wasn't there, I had asked him to accompany me to the room of the third guy.

When we got to his door, I had pushed it open because I was beginning to panic and asked him if he saw my phone to which he answered no. So I immediately asked him for his phone so that I could call mine, which he handed to me...but just as I was about to dial in my number, the other guy who was there with me spotted my phone siting right there on the third guys table.

The moment he saw it, he had immediately showed it to me and then the third guy began to laugh, saying that his plans had been to hide the phone from me for at least three days before giving it back to me, to teach me a lesson on how not to be careless.

Of course I knew he was lying because I checked and saw that he had already placed the phone on airplane mode, making it impossible for any calls to come in, but I couldn't care less because all I was focused on was getting my phone and that was all that mattered to me.

That whole event opened my eyes to see the kind of person I thought was a friend and how he would quickly go against me if the odds favoured him.

 2 months ago  

sometimes the closest person becomes the annoying person. not only losing the phone, sometimes friends can't support.

 2 months ago  

That's why it is always advisable to watch your friends closely because they're the ones who can hurt you the most.

 2 months ago  

You were almost about to lose your smartphone but you were lucky this time. It will not happen all the time. So be careful from now. I think you already learned the lesson and you will be cautious naturally the next time.

 2 months ago (edited) 

I've actually always been careful, but mostly when I'm among strangers.. This experience has taught me that I also have to be vigilant even among friends.