Choose your words

in Hive Learners13 hours ago

Sometimes, even the littlest words we say, affect people in ways that we can't even imagine. This is why it is always advisable for us to be careful of what we say, who we say them to, because indeed, there is power in the tongue.

photo by Raphael Schaller

Some few weeks ago, a really close friend of mine had paid me a visit. When he came around, I was having one of those feelings that my place wasn't as clean as it was supposed to be although I couldn't pinpoint where exactly needed to be cleaned up, so I had gone ahead to ask him, to get his opinion on the matter.

I had asked him if my place was clean, and his response had left a smile on my face. He had replied that my place is always clean, and I couldn't help but smile. Him saying that made me feel some kind of way, in a good way.

Because not only did he assure me that my place was clean enough and I didn't need to worry, he also told me indirectly that I'm naturally a clean person, that was a compliment that I didn't even know would affect me as much as it did.

And I say that because now, whenever this particular friend comes to visit, I always make sure to go the extra mile to make sure everywhere is sparkling clean because I want them to maintain that same mentality about me, and I don't want to disappoint them.

The crazy thing is that unlike other days where cleaning up feels like a task on its own, I always do it with joy whenever this person is visiting, because deep down, all I can think of is that compliment.

This is why most times, it is important we're careful of the kind of things we say to people, because we just might not know how much our words would mean to them.

 6 hours ago  

The way his compliment plays on your head is the same way it will always replay if it was a bad statements used on you, and a word spoken can not be taken back because it has done the damage already.

 5 hours ago  

The reply of your friend gave you good feeling and now you don't want to lose your reputation and so you are extra careful for it.