If there's one thing I've come to realize that I do so well, it is reading people. And most times, I do this without even knowing that I'm doing it, all I know is that I spend some time with you and if there's a pattern with the way you handle certain situations, I will be able to tell.
The other day, while I was seated outside with two of my friends, I decided just for fun to tell them about certain things they do that they think is a secret, but whenever I'm in the room with them and I see them doing those stuff, I can tell.
Some of these stuff weren't exactly good stuff but I didn't make it sound like that because the last thing I wanted was to make them feel bad, and then get all defensive and lie that my observations weren't true. But you see, today's blog isn't about any of these two guys, it's actually about a completely different friend of mine and the reason I'm even talking about him is because I feel that this behaviour of his can be dangerous.
You see I have this friend who easily gets influenced by other people. Like one minute they're not interested in doing something, and the next minute they're doing it because someone else is doing it.
Recently I attended someone's birthday party with a couple of friends, this guy being one of them. And before we left for the party, I had made it clear that I didn't have enough money on me and was only attending the party just to be there for the celebrant. He too and the other guys had said the same thing and that was that.
Well we eventually got to the party and just before the celebrant was called to cut her birthday cake, one of the other guys had received a money tranfer that they had been expecting. So he got up and decided to make a transfer so that he could get some cash to spray on the celebrant.
Now I said I didn't have any money on me and I meant it, so I sat back and watched him go get his money. Surprisingly, this other guy who easily gets influenced by other people had asked me where the other guy was going to, and the moment I told him, he got up and went after him.
And when they came back, they both had cash on them. At first, I had initially thought that the other guy had maybe lended him some money but that wasn't the case, it turned out that after he found out that that other person was going to spray some money, he too had decided to also spray some money on the celebrant, the same money he claimed not to have.
Now while that isn't exactly a bad thing, I've seen other scenerios where he did something he normally wouldn't have done if someone else hadn't done it, one of it being him beating a guy who was caught stealing at my hostel.
Everytime I think about that situation, I get this sense that someone like that shouldn't be close to me, because what happens when the table turns and for some reason everyone else is against me and he's the only friend around.. Would he come to my aid and maybe vouch for me, or would he join everyone else and be against me too?
I think that Man can be easily turn on you, these are not a good behaviour to exhibit, just try to get a little distance
I think those people who get influenced easily are not the type I like. I think they are troublesome people who don't have their own opinion in a particular topic.