I used to say that where you grow up would always influence the way you do and react to things, but I've come to realize that that isn't always the case. Yes it's true that the environment you grew up in will always play a role in your life, but I've come to find out that it's not always in all scenerio.
I remember back when I was staying at this cheap shitty hostel that the outside walls looked like shit. I would always tell my friends whenever they came to visit that how the hostel looks at the outside doesn't really matter, but what matters is how your personal room looks. I remember telling them that when I get enough money to renovate my room, I would make it look so good that if they were blindfolded and brought into my room, then took the blindfold off, they would never agree that the hostel with the messed up wallpaints outside, is the same hostel with this very nice looking room.
The same thing goes for a house with really nice outside walls and painting but messed up rooms that looks like shit. I guess what I'm just trying to say is that sometimes, where you grow up in doesn't have to be a key factor to the way you handle things.
You could grow up in a rough neighbourhood with thieves and thugs and still not end up stealing a penny in your life, same way you could live in a wealthy area with your wealthy parents and still be a thief or a thug or whatever.
What I'm saying is that your environment doesn't have to determine the kind of person you would end up becoming, you can always make that decision yourself because it is absolutely yours and yours only to make. And if you end up being at the wrong side of the law somewhere down the line, don't blame it on anybody or where you grew up, because you most likely made some very key decisions yourself that ended up putting yourself in that current situation you're in.
So the next time someone tells you that you will end up becoming someone bad because you grew up in a poor or bad area, let them know that you plan on making a difference and won't end up like them because you're in charge of every decision you make, just like it should be.
This piece is inspiring, a man's decision is the outcome of what he gets, is not a matter of where we grow up, that environment might be our starting point, but the difference to make lies in our hands.
Exactly man.. Exactly!!
Thank you
Our environment has an impact on us to an extent but we are what we choose to be and making the right choice for ourselves is what matters.
I grew up in an environment that I am not proud of and when I go there today, I feel sorry for those who did allow the environment to influence them negatively. I was influenced by my environment but positively, I was determined to change my story despite such an environment.
Well I'm glad you got influenced positively. This is exactly what I'm talking about.
I agree with this post. I'll wrap it up by saying you may not have control over where you're coming from but you have full control over where you're going. Make the difference!
Wow.. Now I feel bad for not adding this to the post😂 because it is spot on.. I agree with you one hundred percent.