One Satisfying Scam

in Hive Learnersyesterday

When people talk about scams, especially in Nigeria, they sometimes make it sound like the Nigerians are teaming up together to scam people from other countries, not knowing that these scammers don't even care who they scam, all what they're interested in is getting paid. So it could be a fellow Nigerian, their next door neighbour or even a family member.

And sometimes, when I hear about how creative some of these scammers are with their scams, even I get impressed because this is real talent that is just being misplaced.

Anyways, someone I know recently fell for a scam, and although I do call it a scam, a lot of you wouldn't be sympathetic with him by the time I'm done with this story. As a matter of fact, the only reason I'm talking about it is because I find it strangely satisfying with how brilliant this lady scammer was. And yes, he got scammed by a lady, and although it wasn't a huge sum of money, it's safe to say he has learnt his lesson, at least for now.

So, this person had recently told me the story of how a lady he had met online had cleverly duped him of some money. Although, she didn't even have to be too clever to do what she did, because she would have gotten away with it anyway.

Well, this guy met a lady online on Facebook and they chatted for a while. I don't know how long they chatted for but they eventually both agreed to meet at his place, the agreement was for them to meet, and then the guy would go buy some marijuana that they both would smoke together. So basically it was to meet, get high together and just see where it goes from there, the only problem was that she said she had no money on her for transportation.

Now, asking for transportation fee and not showing up is a very common scam around here, and this person has fallen for it a couple of times, so they had vowed never to fall for it again. So he had refused to send the money to her, and had asked her to come with her money instead, and when it was time for her to leave, he would reimburse her and pay for the entire trip.

Well they ended up canceling the whole thing and she got upset with him because indirectly, he kinda was insinuating that she would run away with his money, which to be honest, is a little bit insulting. Fast forward to some days later, after some silent treatment from her, they eventually got talking and again, they decide to meet.

So not to mess up like he did the last time, he decides to take the risk and send her money for transportation. He didn't only do that, but also went ahead to send her money to get the marijuana because apparently, she had a plug who sells to her.

photo by Allef Vinicius

To cut the long story short, she ended up being a scamner and didn't show up, which wasn't exactly a surprise to me, but what fascinated me though was her attention to details. You see, unlike other scammers who are only just focused on the money they're about to scam off you, this lady made sure to make it look like the money wasn't even important in this case.

At one point (because I did read their chat), it felt like she was more interested in getting high by smoking the weed than anything else. And I'm sure that was what probably made him believe her because again, after he refused to send the money the first time, she had acted like she was upset, which was the normal reaction a genuine person who isn't trying to steal from you would give, she had ignored him for days, something most scammers wouldn't do because again, they're very interested in your money and wouldn't wanna risk you losing interest in them..

So all of that made him believe that she was for real and the money wasn't important to her, while all along, she was just putting up an Oscar worthy performance. That whole thing for some reason fascinated me, I guess I just appreciate brilliance when I see one. And although I don't exactly feel sorry for the guy, I'm sure he has learnt his lesson, hopefully.


Lmfao. You go dey trust woman. 9ja babe for that matter 😂 He learnt something valuable



I doubt this will be his last time doing something like this.


Scammers are everywhere. the named tag is not written on heir faces. we just have to be careful or else would meet one.

she will not show up anymore just because of the fact that she had gotten then money.


Very true, we all do have to be careful and cautious because these scammers can be very smart.