The Little Things

in Hive Learners2 years ago

When people say that we have to thank God for everything, even things that we feel are so naturally like waking up in the morning, some of them don't understand how important that is until they find themselves in a situation where waking up everyday becomes a problem and then they understand the importance.

Photo by Birgith Roosipuu

I just finished seeing a series called FROM and in this series, people can't go outside of their homes when it's dark because there are this monsters who look exactly like humans that comes out at night and kills anyone they see outside. While I was seeing this series, I started to imagine how life would be if that happens in real life and we can't go out at night anymore, then people will realize how important being able to take a walk or sit outside at night is. They don't see the importance now but they will when they can no longer do it anytime they want.

Now what inspired today's post isn't the movie, no, what inspired it was something entirely different.

About a couple of days ago, I had gone to this restaurant to get some food and among the things I had bought, beans was one of them. So I took my meal home and began to eat. Everything was going fine up until my teeth bit real hard into this tiny strong piece of stone. I had bitten into it so hard that it felt like my teeth would fall off.

Now this wasn't exactly my first time experiencing something like this especially when eating beans, but I think that was the first time I had bitten that hard on a stone and it didn't break. I ended up throwing away the stone and went back to continue my meal but that was when I discovered that something was wrong.

Due to how hard I had bitten into the stone, that corner of my teeth was no longer functioning like it should. I could no longer chew with it and everytime I tried, I always got this shocking sensation there. It turned out I had just damaged my teeth and ended up using only the other side of my mouth to chew, and that was when I realized how much chewing those two teeth (both the one up and down that was damaged) was doing.

For the next two days, I couldn't eat properly and would most times just swallow my food instead. Thankfully I got better and now I can chew just fine. But my point is that before that incident happened, I never realised how much work those two teeth were doing on a daily until it got damaged.

So I guess what I'm saying is that we should always be happy for the tiniest things we're able to do, those things that we don't even think much of, because if a days comes where we no longer can do those stuff, we will see how important those things are and our lives will not be the same.


Lol, classic experience most of us has had. We just never realise, it's too easy for humans to lose ourselves in the moment.

Maybe u should point this out to that restaurant, so u don't end up breaking ur teeth one day 😅

 2 years ago  

Maybe u should point this out to that restaurant, so u don't end up breaking ur teeth one day

I thought about leaving a complaint but decided it will be easier for me to just end my relationship with them, I'm done 😂

lol, that works too!

 2 years ago  

Feeling bad to hear what happened with you 🧏. I think most of time we don't realise of those things which we are getting easily until we suffer for it.

 2 years ago  

Exactly.. We don't really know it until we're suffering it.