There is one thing I use to tell people that no matter how close you think you are to people you call friends, try to keep your private life away from friendships; let it be strictly friendship and nothing more. Because some friendships are not worth it; they are not healthy enough to share your personal life with them even though you see them on a daily basis.
Now let’s talk about digital relationships. We all know how dangerous and risky it is to keep digital relationships going because of fake people that are there, but we can’t say that because someone did something bad on the internet, everyone else there are bad people, and that is why we must be very careful while keeping a digital relationship.
We are in the era where making friends and having relationships on social networks is very easy because even the people we see every day, it is the internet that keeps us connected since we talk on the phone and chat on WhatsApp to check on each other. So we can’t deny how much the internet is helping us in terms of keeping friends and relationships as well. But how do we maintain a healthy relationship online that won’t affect us? This is very simple and easy as well.
Exposing too much information to your digital relationships, such as telling someone you met online everything about you and your family with the backup of photos and videos, is a very bad thing to do simply because you don’t know the real people you are talking to.
I have so many digital friends whom I never met before for some years, and what I do to keep a healthy relationship with them is that I never share my personal relationships with them, and posting my daily lifestyle is always on private, so there is no way they could dig who I really am or where I could be and what I am up to next.
Those things we post for people to see also give some of our online friends clues about who we are and how we are in real life, which I think is not good enough because you don’t know who is who on the internet.
Some friends appear like an angel on the internet, but offline they are the ones that should be called demons, and that is why sharing personal information of ourselves with someone online is never a good idea.
There are lots of things happening here in my country, and the main problem started in the digital world because people trusted whoever they met there, and that led to losing their lives because they believed people could meet anywhere, which is quite right, but going to see someone you met on the internet is the most dangerous thing to do.
The digital world is a beautiful world that is full of good and bad people, and that is why we must never let the beauty in the world get into our heads because most people on the internet are not really who we think they are. Being careful with what we share with our digital friends and not sharing too much of our personal information with them is the only way to keep a healthy relationship with our digital friends, and of course, it should be strictly friendship and nothing more.
It's a terrible thing to always give out confidential information to people in the digital space all in the name of building connections. I prefer keeping things to myself until we have built them a strong bond and despite the bond, I still hold things back.
We must never share our personal information to anyone online if not our family because even the friends offline self can make use of the information in a bad way not to talk of someone we don’t know offline
The digital world is beautiful from the outside only. People live a different life offline.
I didn't make any true friends online. I used to think it was my failure. But as you said, in your country this happens too - catfish and scam. So now I feel it's better to not have any online friends.
Yeah that’s the problem people are not who they are offline but they are making friends online based on who they not
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Making digital friends is good but knowing how to set restrictions is also a vital aspect of maintaining healthy relationships with them.
Yeah you are absolutely right sis we must know how to keep it strictly friendship without sharing our personal information