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RE: The Duality of Technology in Education: Advancements and Distractions

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Technology didn't just help only education but it affects so many lives in a different way it depends on how you make use of it

I was watching movie yesterday and the guy was decorating his parlor to propose to his girlfriend when it gets to the part where he will on the candle it was a switch candle

What am saying is that the person that invented such idea must have gotten it somewhere like internet and it helps people a lot because it saves time

 2 years ago  

I love that analogy you have put out. The more accessible knowledge and information are, the easier it is for us to learn new things quicker and apply them in our daily lives.

May I ask the title of the film?

 2 years ago  

Dinner at my place is the title