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RE: My Reunion With Old Friends

in Hive Learners2 years ago

That day is a very special day that reminds everyone of what they did in the school back then and how childish they all behave towards each other

But it is also a good day because it will bring back some sweet memories of the school days
I also attend reunion and it was so fun and good to see my secondary school classmates once again

 2 years ago  

Yeah it always an amazing experience Dara. As a matter of fact it can be a chance for reconciliation and reigniting dead friendship.

Thanks for your wonderful contribution Dara. Cheers 🥂

 2 years ago  

Yeah and that's what I did when I went to our reunion because I knew I must have stepped on some people's feet when we were in school so I just apologize for my childish behavior and we all are friends back

You are always welcome buddy