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RE: Beneath and Beyond Happiness; more than just a feeling

in Hive Learners2 years ago

In my post, I talked about how Aristotle defined happiness to mean an end and not a goal in human existence. Those people owning wealth and material things, though, achieve happiness for a while because those things are means of getting such a feeling and they will still continue to desire more because Abraham said human needs are insatiable but when a person has gone to the extent of being happy even with the ones he has, it is called contentment and that is the greatest happiness for such a person.

For me, seeing my family and also seeing mylef as a better person each day, having positive thoughts in me makes me happy.

 2 years ago  

Contentment plays a huge role in being happy and I agree on the fact that you don’t need to own the world before you are happy.

Being happy with little guarantees how well you will be happy when you are big.