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RE: Teacher's Dilemma With Balancing Expectations On Students.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Throughout my secondary school years, my dad was always visiting, monitoring my performance and making sure I am doing the right thing. Sometimes, he would just show up in school without any notice to see what I was always doing and thank God for such training and support towards my academics.

Nowadays, most parents are busy with their own stuff and would proudly give excuses for their inability to monitor their kids. Sometimes, it is not always the teacher's responsibility to watch and track a child's performance, parents should, too.

But you know, teachers also have their own parts in making sure they are doing the right thing by evaluating themselves, enrolling in more trainings to upgrade their skills, this is what the school should provide too. Not only for the children to benefit alone, but teachers too.

 3 months ago  

Teachers evaluating and improving themselves is one thing I think is very important as well but in third world countries, these things don't happen as it should because schools don't see the importance and teachers lack the resources as well.

It's very important that parents are actively involved in their kids' education. Just like your dad, my mom was well known in the schools I attended and that's how it should be.