in Hive Learners10 months ago
Hello everyone, this is my first post in the community and am really happy to be here... I wanted to apply for membership into the community using the discords channel abi it's community but haven't really gotten the time.


Today I need you opinion on an anonymous friend of mine he has issues... To be specific girl issues it goes like this his been dating a girl for a while, from what I've seen they're very close and got along really well.. most time we never see this guy around cause he was always with her, their relationship was so beautiful I even began to envy them.. me being a loner for as long as I can remember.. I probably don't have a soul that's why I still haven't found a soul mate... Speaking of soul mates this guy's relationship was going well until recently we began to see him around often at first I didn't get but for a week he was going to lectures coming back eating, reading, watching anime before sleeping of course...

Then we knew something was wrong this guy nor they dey house like this we approached to ask him what was wrong he didn't say anything... We ask about his babe he said she's fine with a fake smile in his face... I do it a lot so I know... Not my best behavior... I'll do my best to change lol... So me being a pro at what I do I quickly identified the situation and then I sat with him to talk cause I definitely knew something was wrong and I had a hunch it was about his relationship... During the conversation I ask him what was wrong he said nothing... I then replied and told him that no there's something wrong this isn't the you I know talk to me... Of all of us in the house, I was the closest to him he then told me...



These are his words "She left... She said she wasn't ready", now this was a shock for me... Cause I never knew it would end so quickly cause they just started dating a few months back and this and also we usually tease him that she was going to leave him and would laugh my bad... I admit I just said those things like guys being guys I never thought it would get so serious, this made him change drastically he thought he was the problem at first then blamed her and eventually he decided to move on.

I was like guy when you mean move on hope you not going to date another girl cause she technically didn't do anything she's just confused but for some reason which I don't know my boy is angry at her for leaving and sometimes blames him self me sef tire for the guy... So he moved on and he starts gaining him self... even better they were still talk and chat that's woth his so called EX.. but someone now meets my boy and told him she has a crush on him now this is another girl... All my life I've never seen anything likes this maybe cause am still young there's a whole world ahead of me... Moving one I thought this only happened in movies probably K-drama to be specific but this was happening my boy. He then starts feels like his ready to get into a relationship so he want to know this other girl better. note him and his ex still chat but they not dating no more.. so he was like am not doing anything wrong so I can date right...



He gets her number and they begin chatting.. he like her vibes and want to take the step but the girl who has a crush is not ready to enter a relationship as a result of her past relationships she dor already build walls makes me wonder why u go dey crush still dey put walls lol... I think I omitted something the lover girl who has a crush on my G didn't have the mind to approach him it was a female friend of my G that knew he was single that helped my friend to tell my G... But lover girl think they still need to know each other... Now this is where it gets crazy... My G's ex for some reason now feels she's ready and tells my G... He was like what he blows up in anger, she begs he ignores... she continues this was done online then she met him face to face and plead that they get back together cause she misses him... He hesitates and doesn't gives a reply the next day he tells her yes and they starts dating again...

As at this point I was not even aware of what was going on until my guy cor dey leave house like usual I was like she dor gree guy... He smiled and left I said okay na "you dey hot", later that evening he told me all what had happened and that his confused on what to do cause he like both girls but like his ex more cause he has spent more time with her and know her better he than quotes the saying the "devil you know is better than the angel u don't", I say okay philosopher continue...


He then told me that I should tell him what to do as his afraid he'll hurt the feelings of the other lover girl who has a crush on him and he doesn't want that... That being said he doesn't want her to hear from another person mouth but the courage to tell her isn't they he enjoys their chats and wouldn't want to spoil what they have with emotions as his heart is already with another...


Note that his ex is his first... So that might have added to the reasons he agreed to come back I don't really know much about this stuffs so that's it guys that the situation....
Also this is a frictional story and there are no real life parties involved... It being fictional doesn't mean it can't happen there's nothing impossible in this world of ours... I just need you guys to give me a best way of approach my G can use in this hypothetical situations thanks 😊.



Leave ur thought in the comment section

Also like and comment again lol.


First off confused people always have motivational quotes to back their every moves 😂. But I think he should have studied what really made his first girlfriend break up with him and also take things slow with her and expecially with his decision making.
Well I will say he shouldn't feel guilty because his Cruse is not ready and he doesn't even know how long he will have to wait for her to be ready.

Indeed... Thanks for this he will really appreciate

You are welcome bro