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RE: Navigating Team Commitment: Challenges Faced as a Leader in Improving Productivity

in Hive Learnerslast year

Once they do not have their genuine reason for joining, have their goal for a particular thing, being commited becomes a problem.

In my home church, only few of the choir members are commited. The rest are just there to fill the spaces, they lack knowledge about exactly what their job is as a chorister.

you have to push them, pet them, call them on the phone, text them, etc. before you can be sure of their availability for programs.

From my experience, I think many of them need orientation about what they are in for. Then, exposure to other choirs doing so well out there.

I stopped every single activity I did with them because I wasn't growing either.

Of course, it will drag you back since none of them seems to be growing.

 last year  

One thing with working with a group that lacks commitment is that you can never grow... even your creativity level may die off
People should know what they are going into..examine it well before getting involved
I like being committed to whatever I am doing

 last year  

I agree with this.

Being commited gives a higher chance of greater results.