When humanity exceeds the law?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

There are times in human life when morality, humanity and the law clash. Are there any crimes that we consider just, even though they are punishable by law, and why?


Laws have been made to maintain order in our society. But sometimes the application of some laws seems unreasonable from a human perspective. There are many situations where a crime is punishable by law, but it can be considered just for moral or human reasons. For example:

Theft, but because of hunger
If a hungry person steals food to satisfy his hunger, is it a real crime? In the eyes of the law, theft is a crime. But when it is done in the name of life, that person's actions may seem just to many. Here humanity becomes greater than the law.

Violence to protect oneself
Let's say a person is threatened and hits someone in self-defense. Legally it may be considered an attack, but considering the situation it may seem justified as self-defense.

Rebellion against harsh rule
Sometimes the law or the system of government is so unjust that it becomes necessary to stand up against it. We have seen many such rights movements in history. Where the interests of humanity have been protected even by going against the law.


Is the law always right?

Law is made by humans and changes over time. So if a law goes against the welfare of the people, is it right to obey that law? For example:

In the past, many countries had laws that discriminated on the basis of race, religion or gender. Disobeying those laws was justified. Many young people commit petty crimes simply because they could not find work. Should their circumstances and motives be completely ignored?

There are some crimes that we consider justified based on the objective circumstances and effects. This comes from a moral and humane point of view. But this does not mean that the order of the law should be completely broken. Rather, our laws should have mechanisms that can make decisions based on humanitarian considerations.

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Morality and "law" clash because "laws" are inherently immoral. "Laws" are just wishes of ruling class, and at best they are merely a prescription for severity of punishment for deviating from will of the ruling class.
"Law" is not a moral guidance. And IMHO the biggest problem with conflict between one's moral judgement and "laws" is this:

Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator?
-- Henry David Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience" 1849