in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

There is a saying that goes like this; ”Too much of everything is bad”. I am sure we all must have heard or seen it somewhere as it’s a popular saying. ”Too much of everything is bad” is definitely a saying that is not only applicable to some areas of life but in all aspects. The best approach to life is to always do things moderately, appropriately and not excessively, especially when we are talking about car owners and the number of cars in their garage…


A number like 2 and 3 is the best definition of moderation, especially when we are talking about a primary asset like cars. This means the above mentioned figure(s) aren’t applicable in other categories, categories like owning multiple houses and lands all over the country. When we talk about the ownership of multiple lands and houses, you can own as much as you want, provided that you are capable enough to afford it, land and houses are great investments and assets, unlike cars…

Growing up I have always been a lover of cars, especially the one in the smart and sport category. Whenever i see any nice ride, i just automatically develop a liking to it and subsequently add it to my virtual garage. If only i could count the number of cars i have promised to buy myself since my younger days, a rough estimate of the the number of those those cars would definitely be enough to make me me a car dealer…

This was me before adulthood and maturity settled in, now i know better and one of the things i know is that owning multiple cars doesn’t mean you are wealthy, for all we know you could be a car dealer or for a fact the owner of the different cars you drive. The fact is that there’s no harm or shame in owning just one car as a wealthy man, owning just a car when you are extremely wealthy doesn’t make you a pauper, it makes people see you in a different light and in a more respectable manner, and also; let’s also not forget the disadvantages of owning lots of cars in this country, especially in the aspects of carbon emissions and the depletion of the ozone layer…

We all know too much of smoke from car exhausts and engines results to the continuous emission of carbon, and also the continuous emission of poisonous gas or smoke into the atmosphere causes the depletion of the ozone layer shielding the earth…


A rule that states that every family can only own a car is definitely a good one. This definitely would cause more good than harm to the environment and to the people living in the environment. I don’t see much disadvantages in this rule, i only see it has more advantages than disadvantages, and it will definitely make life easier for everyone if adaptation is fast and efficient…

Enacting such rule will definitely help a state like mine greatly, a state where there’s constant traffic and congestion on daily basis. A rule like this will ease the daily traffic congestion of my state, and that is definitely a good impact…

In summary, a car to a family means more usage of the commercial means of transportation, and that is not bad. The rule also doesn’t state that they can’t own a bike, so let the rest get a bike as a substitute for a car…


In conclusion, too much of everything is bad, so let’s try to think of others when making some certain decisions in life, and that decision includes the number of cars to own. There are other things to spend money on, we have houses and lands, but then let’s do things in moderation and not to discomfort others and the environment we find ourselves in…