in Hive Learners2 months ago (edited)

Sorting out different levels of debts is another constant happening after every festive season. For real, this is not even funny anymore, i am literally getting pissed right now because of this whole thing. The rate at which many people out there will sort out different grades of debts after this festive period will be very high than as usual. Stay within your budget and enjoy a peaceful and quiet life after the holidays, but no you just want to oppress and impress the masses through debt…


Well, this is not something new anymore, some people are now addict, paying both small and huge debts is now like a custom many people practice after the conclusion of every festive period. I don’t even know why someone who claims to be in his or her right frame of mind would result to debt just because of a celebration like Christmas and New year, it’s not like these events are made compulsory to be celebrated grandly, you can just celebrate low key with your family, and if you are capable enough to feed extra mouths, then invite them over and get it done with…

Resulting to debts just because you want to impress people will take you nowhere, in-fact it will do you more harm than good at the end of the day, and when your loaners start coming for you, you will end up being put to shame and disgraced publicly…

The deal that was sealed in private will be revealed to the public, and that won’t be the end of it all. The saying ”cut your cloak according to your size” is best used at this point in time, this should be written boldly for everyone to see, especially the grand celebrators…

Moving on, the long awaited Christmas is already here, or should i say it’s almost over at this side of the world, and for someone like me who has been strictly on a tight budget for months now, I have just being doing my things in a low-key manner. I have been walking with a pen and paper all morning, this is to tell you how serious i am about maintaining a STRICT BUDGET this festive season…

Getting carried away during times like this is very common, and if you aren’t disciplined or determined enough, you will end up going way over your budget, which would at the end of the day affect you slightly or greatly, depending on what you have planned…

I won’t lie to you, for someone like me who is extremely disciplined when it comes to budgets, i don’t get carried away when i am on a budget, i go out with my list and follow the list to the core, if by chance i see something and i am being pushed to get it, i will always spend an amount that will be very easy for me to refund and not something that will end up choking me later on…


Any debt incurred now will have an impact on you starting the new year. I have never being a victim of debts to pay after festive periods. I am always on budget every festive season. I don’t do pass myself, i have no one to impress or oppress, i just do my thing moderately and enjoy my comfort, easy peasy…

In summary, i have always been a disciplined person when it comes to money and budget management, for this festive season I have made preparations for the amount of money I want to spend and so far so good i am still within my budget, if i want to go overboard it means doubling my hustle…

In conclusion, spend wisely, chicken will surely finish, but then your creditors won’t let you rest if you refuse to pay your debts oh. Be wise during this period or you might be a victim of excessive spending this year. Use your head well or it will be used against you after the whole celebration has ended…

 2 months ago (edited) 

This your pen and paper is not a joke.😂😂 strictly following the list. That’s the way to go.

But try and have fun. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.🎄🎉

 2 months ago  

Lol, it’s not play oh my dear. The hustle is real 😂

 2 months ago  

It is well.😂

Have fun but don't go overboard 👌
Merry Christmas to and yours

 2 months ago  

Exactly, i wish you the best celebration ever.