in Hive Learners5 hours ago (edited)


The nonstop advancement of science and technology in this era has really said a lot about what would become of the world a couple of decades from now, as long as the earth still remaineth, the world of science and technology will never stop advancing and expanding, which means there is more to expect in the world of science and technology as that field is filled with brains and unending mystery boxes…

When i see how far we’ve come in this era, especially in the aspects of science and technology, I can’t help but think and imagine how advanced and fully developed science and technology would be in the next couple of decades, I think we are all in for a bigger revolution, there’s something big awaiting us many years from now, let’s keep our fingers crossed…

I have been an all-time devourer of technology, i have seen and experienced the nonstop evolution and growth of the world of science and technology, let’s slow down on the aspects of science a little bit and let’s focus more on the technology part...

I think the world of technology has really improved a great deal compared to decades ago, technology was an eyesore back then but then everything started evolving gradually and that to with the speed of light, the more we change era, the faster our progress in technology. The world of technology has been nothing short of amazing and wonderful so far…

Thanks to my nonstop exploration of different social media platforms, i have been able to see the awesome things happening in the world of technology today, X(formerly known as twitter) has been very buzzy and exciting for some weeks now. Elon Musk has really tipped the scales big time, I haven’t really made my investigations on the topic yet, but then since it’s concerning technology and Elon Musk, I think the news is quite factual…

The recent update in the world of technology is the humanoid robot, and according to web, “this robot has been developed to help humans in their day to day life”. Hmm, this is pretty interesting if it’s actually true, I think this will be another breakthrough in the world of science and technology. The only update I knew of was that of the self driving cars, i was just as surprised to hear about the humanoid robot from a couple of mouths…


This is to tell you how interesting and cool the world of technology is, and that there is more to come many years from now. I believe in the power of technology, don’t be suprised to see something extremely extraordinary happen in the technology sector very soon…

I think the next 26 years which happens to be 2050 will have a lot of great stories to tell, it is very obvious that the world will totally be unrecognizable by then, I envision something unique to happen in the next 26 years. I have always been very interested in overhead transportation, i am not talking about planes or helicopters, i am talking about the movement of land transportation systems to the atmosphere…

I have always imagined cars moving in the sky, if care is not taken, i think 2050 will be the year for that. If humanoid robots and Ai robots can be invented, I strongly believe this can also happen, but then it is going to cost lots of resources which I think might not be a problem if it’s founding countries are the first world countries…

In summary, i think technology would have advanced a great deal in the next 26 years, we might even have cars flying over our heads by then, this is how far I believe technology will advance by then…


In conclusion, I believe in 2050 we won’t be having stuffs like 4g and 5g networks, we will be having a faster network by then, there won’t be anything like power outages, we will be having a Kinglike and Queenlike mindset, this is an era I look forward to seeing in the future…

 4 hours ago  

the world of technology cannot stop existing since we are still ,living. things are changing greatly technologically.