Privacy Of our Data on internet is a Joke.

in Hive Learners11 months ago

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Assalam O Alikum

Hello Hive Community members how are all of you? I hope that All of you are enjoying good health and enjoying you better life also. Today I am going to discuss the definition of data to understand the importance and value of that data. Data stands for here is digital data. Digital data refers to the information that is encoded in a format that is suitable for electronic storage and processing it for further actions needed. It can be generated from various sources such as observations, measurements, transactions, or recordings, and it serves as the basis for making decisions, conducting research, or deriving insights. Digital data includes text, numbers, images, audios and audio messages, videos and video calling/messaging, and other multimedia contents. It has ability to be easily copied, manipulated, and transmitted without any degradation, making it highly versatile and widely used in modern information technology systems.

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The issue of government surveillance and the strongest matches of online privacy is definitely a complex issue. Now I am sharing some Government side thoughts on this matter. It is a fact that many governments are involve in different shapes of surveillance for national and public security purposes, other different law enforcement agencies have other reasons. While some sort of surveillance and security systems are deemed to be necessary for public safety, excessive or indiscriminate surveillance can infringe upon individuals' rights to their privacy and civil rights liberties also.

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According to my opinion governments have to maintain a balance between security concerns along with respecting citizens' privacy rights also.

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On other hand in general prospect all these digital data is not safe and private in this digital era. In our daily routine we have signed up at different social sites and along with different mobile applications. These software and different sites have their own servers. Data that is given for subscription or membership of these sites are not secure. They can be leak or digitally misbehave by other criminal gangs or individuals. We have to be very conscious while signing up at unknown applications. For simple understanding of this issue I can explain it with one simple example of merger of two major social applications. Few Years ago a famous social site application named Instagram was acquired by another big giant social application site named Facebook. When Facebook purchase the Instagram then Facebook also paid the amount our data maintained at Instagram and this data is already given by us by using their services. Now you can understand the reality that our Data should be Private or not.

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We have take some special measure to protect our digital data as well. We have to clear understanding the broader implication of data privacy in this era of digital age. We have design a framework to guide our society. We also creates value for privacy of data protection by balancing primary and utility. We also have to delicate corporate responsibilities and accountability to Govern the privacy of digital data as well.

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 11 months ago  

The truth of the matter is that the government are doing this for our security and safety, but I think they are taking it too far these days. It shows that there's no trust between the government and the citizens

 11 months ago  

i agreed to your view. thanks for acknowledge my work.