Are we making proper use of time?

in Hive Learners2 months ago

Time is a special and important gift given by the Creator. We all run after success and to be successful we need to use our time properly. It is never possible to succeed or survive on your own by wasting time. Reading the biographies of successful people reveals the importance of time and its proper use. As our life is more important to us. Time is no less part of life. Because we were not created in vain in this world. A time is fixed and life has to be managed within this time. At the same time, life should be fulfilled by participating in creative activities using time. Because every second is falling from our life but we can't bring it back even if we want to. That's why every time every second even every moment should be given importance. Because there is a time limit set for us in this world. When the appointed time comes, you have to leave the illusion of the world and go to the next world. And before going to the next world, the time should be used to make life suitable for going to heaven.


Mankind has been created in this world to worship only one creator. And in the worship of God is the welfare of our life. If we manage our lives according to the instructions of the Creator and make use of every moment, then success will definitely come in our lives. Since we cannot use the same time twice, it is imperative that we spend each time calculated. Of course we are in harm's way and will be until we can use the time to do the right things. If you sit at home all day and do asceticism for happiness, nothing will happen. If you want to be happy, you must convert time into work and turn the wheel of your own destiny. Those who are lazy and run around for the sake of time can never achieve success.

They are the only successful people in the world who have been able to convert that time into work for a long time. And those are the unfortunate ones who could not convert the time into work despite having time. If you review people's lives, you will see that those who value time are successful today. And those who have wasted their time will find their condition fragile. Of course, the time we have got in our life, but on the last day of judgment, the creator will take account of this time from us. That is why we spend every moment very carefully.

The best way to use time is to keep our purpose in life fixed. Those who strive everywhere to reach their goals never waste time. That is why it is said to make use of youth before reaching old age. In a word, this means that since the time left cannot be regained, the time I currently have should be utilized. Because once the time is gone, it cannot be recovered even after a thousand attempts. Time is moving at the speed of time, suddenly you will see the time of our life will stop for a while. And then life will be surrounded by many regrets that why I did not convert it into work when I had time. What is the goal of our life now?? Our goal in life is to become a good person and become established in the society. Staying well with yourself and making arrangements with your family. So I am good myself in this transitory world and convert time into work by giving importance to time to keep family well. Always obey the religious rules and sing the praises of the creator and keep peace in the heart. Because our Creator is aware of everything we do. And surely one day we must return to him and give an account of every time and work we have done on earth.

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