Is your business designed around personal goals or company goals?
When you're building a business initially, your personal lifestyle plays a huge role in how you structure everything.
As you scale, you become a company.
In this phase, your personal preferences become less relevant as the company ideals take over.
Everyone thinks they want to be as big of a business as possible.
What most don't realize is that, once you hit a certain stage of growth, your personal preferences aren't as much of a deciding factor anymore.
Once you're an established company, the company's needs come before the needs of the entrepreneur.
This is not to say they will always be in direct conflict, but that the company becomes bigger than any one person alone.
This decision, whether to keep things personal or grow into a company plays a large role in how we scale businesses.
If you have a certain lifestyle in mind, its possible that growing to a medium sized business is best suited.
This is because the CEO of a company looks very different than that of a medium sized business.
As your scaling your business it's important to ask yourself what is the direction you're heading in.
Are you looking to work only a few days a week?
Are you looking to be responsible to a large team?
Are you looking to vacation for big chunks of the year?
All these considerations need to be built into your business blueprint.
Everyone says bigger is better.
The bigger it gets, the less it's about you.
Well,I am a solopreneur so my goals are both company and personal