From 6 Am Shifts To Family Holidays

in Hive Learners3 months ago


Well well well, we are in the holidays season again. I can remember last year Christmas holidays like it was yesterday. Last year I had just completed the university and I had so much going on in my life.

The thing is in Ghana after university you do national service for a year. After that one year you now look for a job. If you’re lucky your company keeps you or you get the hell out. So I started my service in November. Unfortunately, for me I got posted to where they didn’t know holidays. Technically, it depended on where you were. Being in the administration side of things meant that you had the chance to enjoy weekends and holidays. Being at my side meant that you only had off days.

Off days lasted for 3 days and on days lasted the same. So which ever days your on days were you had to be at work. So last year on the 25th and most of the Christmas season I was at work.

This year I am super sure I’ll be at home with my family. I am done with my service now so Christmas holidays mean that I’ll be at home enjoying my holidays. Since I am not employed I work for myself. Currently I have so much going on for myself and I wouldn’t wanna take a break until I have a break through. Last year by this time I had told someone that working at where I am has slowed a lot of things down for me.

Someone might have thought I was spilling nonsense but it was true. I loved that I was being paid but most of my off days was used for sleeping. Working for 3 days only seems like a small thing but Mehn we had to get to work by 6 am and closed late most of the time.

So this time round I know for sure I’d be at home cause I work from home doing my own stuff. Does it bring out a lot of money? Not that much but we are handing on. So I’d say yes i will spend the holidays with my family but it’ll be the usual working from home and all.

As for having a good time I am not sure that will happen. In my family we are Muslims so we don’t prioritize the Christmas holidays but then I have an Aunty who likes the Christmas holidays. I kind of understand her cause she stays in the capital town of my country and they prioritize the celebrations as well so everywhere is filled with the Christmas spirit when it’s time for Christmas.

Where I stay is Muslim dominated so we don’t have the feeling here. But we do celebrate the new years. One of the reasons why we love it is because we can have fireworks before midnight till midnight. Apart from that we do see a few decorations on the officials offices of a few organizations. So if I was to visit my aunt I am sure I’d have a wonderful holiday season.

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