A boring week

in Hive Learners3 years ago

I have never really been in a situation were I am restricted from touching my phone for a particular period of time.

But thinking about it right now, I doubt it's something I can do, because gone are those days when people (especially the youths) could go about their lives and daily activities happily without a phone or a computer.

Well there are some days when my phone will be really low due to lack of electricity, and then I'm left with two options that is taking the phone out to charge or wait patiently for my neighbors to come back from work and put on their generators.

Whenever I find my self in these kind of situation, I would always go with the second option that is to wait for my neighbors to return or for power to be restored, because the idea of staying away from my phone for that short period of time for it to charge feels like taking a candy from a baby.

Anyways, if it happens that I'm to stay for a week without a phone, it would only be a bit fair and endurable if everyone around me at that particular time is also not given access to their phones too.

That way I wouldn't feel it so much because every other person won't be with their phones meaning we will be able to hang out, gist and have fun in other ways.

But to be honest it's going to be a long boring week, because most times the people around us does not really play a good role in making us happy and then at those moments we fall back to our phones to watch some funny videos on different social medias which helps to put a smile on our face or chat with other people.

But then, because I know that the restriction will only last for a week I would try to cope with the situation and partake in different activities just to kill boredom and not to feel isolated in any way.


Hehe... It can be quite frustrating when everyone else is on their phones and only you have to just be without one.
I know the feeling.

Thank you for sharing this with us.