
in Hive Learners3 years ago

"Can you keep a secret?" Dayo asked a sleepy Nate.

"What are you talking about?" Nate replied in a slumbery voice scratching his eyes to clear off the sleep.

"It was a mistake I didn't mean to kill her, It was....." Nate quickly jumped up from the bed cutting Dayo short from completing his sentence.

"Killed who? What are you talking about?" Nate asked again but this time in a scared and concerned tone.

Nate and James have been roommates from 100level, they were always hanging out together, attend lectures and went for night reading together. They were so close that wherever you see James you'd definitely see Nate too. But after the first semester things gradually started changing. Nate no longer hung out with James, he started skipping class too and onky attended lecture whenever he wanted.

After sometime he stopped staying in his room with James, he moved to Dayo's room a new friend he just met. Dayo on the other hand was a spoilt, handsome rich kid, whose parent had sent out to boarding school at the age of twelve when they could no longer tolerate his bad characters.

Dayo was loved by all the ladies because of how cute and rich he was and though he had a girlfriend, he was always seen flirting with other girls.

One day, Dayo had decided to take his girlfriend, along with Nate to a birthday party he was invited to. When he got to the party, the ladies there didn't hesitate to flirt with and he too flirted back at them. This infuriated his girlfriend and she had decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. She decided to flirt too but when Dayo saw that, he got so upset and left the party, leaving both her and Nate behind and when his girlfriend saw him leaving, she quickly ran after him.

She kept calling his name asking him to wait for her and when he finally did, he dragged her roughly, staring at her with so much anger in his eyes. She pleaded that he let go off her because he was beginning to hurt her so he pushed her.

As she staggered backwards, she missed a step and fell, hitting her head hard against the floor. The fall was so hard that she died instantly.

"Nate please promise me you will never mention this to anyone, I'm only telling you this before I don't know what to do." Dayo pleaded with Nate the next morning. He had hidden the body somewhere before returning back home that night.

But Nate knew there was no way on earth he was keeping a murder case like that a secret, so he suggested that Dayo gives himself up to the police. Things might be easier for him if he does that. But Dayo refused and said he was going to run away instead, but Nate knew if Dayo ran away he would be the one the police will arrest instead because he was his roommate and they both went to the party.

So he did the only thing he could do, he went to the police and told them everything Dayo told him and they arrested Dayo just as he was trying to escape.

Some few days after the arrest, Nate returned back to James. He had been a fool for ignoring a friend like James just because he wanted to live a flashy life, the same flashy life that would have landed him in prison.

"I'm so sorry" Nate apologized to James as he asked for him to take him back as his roommate. He wanted to get his life straight and James was the only one Nate knew could do that for him.

 3 years ago  

Lose the burden of your mind once to a night club