The Entrance Exam.

in Hive Learners2 years ago

There are certain things in life that we tend to experience, most of these things are just inevitable and comes to us in different ways. Rejection seems to be one of those inevitable experience.

No one wants to ever experience the feeling of being rejected probably because its a really sad, painful feeling. At that point of rejection you feel be-little, different thoughts on how inefficient you are or didn't do that particular thing to standard, or you are just generally not good.

This kind of feeling can make one to hurt his/her self, but then since we all know that sometime in life we would experience some kind of rejection, then we shouldn't always feel disappointed when it finally happens, we can feel bad at that moment but then after a while we should be able to stand back to our feet and move on.

So I feel people should be a bit open minded when it comes to rejection rather than hurting themselves or feeling depressed, we should try to see it as an opportunity to do better, re-assess, examine,learn new skills, challenge ourselves and then try again or try something else that might actually work for us.

Anyways I haven't really experienced much rejection, or I don't really remember them vividly maybe probably because they weren't really that important or I got over it as quick as possible.

Oh wait, I think I just remembered one really sad experience I had to experience when I was young.

I had just taken my Common Entrance Examination, and I was ready to go to secondary school, but during the holidays my family had to move to a different location due to some certain reasons.

This decision affected me because I will have to go to a new school and before I can gain admission into the school I will have to sit for a school Entrance Exam, before the school can accept me. When my parents informed me about the exam I wasn't really worried because I knew I was going to pass without much stress.

I sat for the exams and I can tell that I did really well, even when the results finally came out my score was good enough for me to be admitted into the school.

I was so excited and was already getting ready to go to a new school, with my new stuffs only for my parents to later get a call from the school that my result wasn't good enough and I won't be accepted in the school.

I felt so bad, because I actually put in my best but I still got rejected, it was a sad experience for me though with time and encouragement from my parents I got better and over it.