Freedom and man

in Hive Learners4 days ago (edited)



Like the popular bible verse that says, " where there's no law, there's no sin," So also, this is also application to freedom and I will like to rephrase that bible scripture by saying, " where there's law, there's sin." What this means in this context is that, where there's law, there's no free will. And this is because there's no way law would exist and one will be doing what he or she likes, that's not possible and it's not and can't be applicable anywhere in the world.

To start with, the word free will is a word that's synonymous to freedom and in the course of my writing, I will be using the two interchangeably. First and foremost, what is free will. In my own lay man definition, free will is one ability to do what he or she likes without interference of any other person, or it can also means doing what ones like without be penalized for such action. But talking about the denotational meaning, it's the ability to choose ones actions. Now, the question I want to ask is that, do free will exist?

Now, answering the answer from the last statement in the previous paragraph, my answer would be a capital NO. What this means is that free will or freedom does not exist anywhere in the world and even if it exist, it will only be in it partial form which even if it exist in the partial form, it will only portend danger to the whole human race.

The issue of restrictions started in the garden of Eden when God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge and going by this, Even our creator knew it that being free to do all things without limit or restrictions will only endanger human race and that's why God restricted Adam and Eve from having their total freedom in the garden of Eden. Though he gave them access to all other things but restricted them to the tree of knowledge. Why do we even have the ten commandments in the old testament of the bible? It's to restrict us from total freedom and to my best of knowledge, no religion allows for total freedom.

So, going by this, free will atimes is evil and can only do one thing to the human race which is "destruction." No wonder in one of our literature text while I was in the secondary, 1984" by George Orwell, there was an inscription in one of the chapters that says FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. And think of it, when people think they are free of doing some certain thing in life, that thing they think they can do for free will only put them into bondage and if care is not taking, enslave them.

Sometimes ago, while we were still young, there's a beautiful girl on our street that her parent would not even allow to mingle with us on the street, though, that was not my own problem and this was because I didn't really care about you relating with me or not, but that's not where I'm going. So, this lady like I said earlier always remain indoor, unless if she's going to school or church, but, there's a day I had the opportunity of having discussion with this lady, it's then she opened up to me about her staying indoor. She said she didn't like it at all staying indoor and she told me she was only waiting for her to gain admission into the university as that would liberate her from the bondage of her parent. Lo and behold, she's admitted to one of the federal universities in the country, and when she got there, she became something else.

To her, she thought she was rebelling against her parent not knowing she's rebelling against herself. Not quite long, she was impregnated by one of her course mate who later denied of impregnating her and to cut the long story short, she had to go back home, give birth to the fatherless baby, before coming back to complete her academics, though she graduated well, but the stigma of getting pregnant and being denied by the person that impregnated her at her tender age was a terrible thing for to cope with back then. Though she got her freedom, but the freedom later turned out to be her nightmare.

I'm not saying freedom is bad or not good, but having total freedom without restrictions will only worsen the state of the society not only that, it will make the society uncomfortable for it inhabitants. Let us all assume we all have the right or freedom to kill, how many of us would remain, maybe half of the population would have gone and this is because whenever we are offended or maybe angered by a friend, the next thing will just be to kill that fellow without be punished by anyone institutionally in the name of freedom. But because of the restrictions placed on out activities, the society has really been made livable for all.

One thing I also want us to understand is that, apart from the legal restrictions placed on all our activities and choices of doing things, there's also natural restrictions placed on our activities by God and as well by nature and this natural restrictions most atimes comes from our conscience and to flout these restrictions means we are out of our minds. Can you imagine a person walking naked on the street all in the name of freedom, NO, and if anyone does that, people will begin to suspect such a person sanity which would be called to question anyways. So, there's restrictions being placed on us by nature as well.

Though freedom exist, but there's no total freedom anywhere as we are being compelled by both legal and natural restrictions to what can be done by each and everyone one of us. One thing I used to wonder about is that, no one can claim to be free and kill himself not to talk of his wife or children or even his or her friends.Doing this will amount to insanity in the natural restrictions court, and to the legal court, it will amount to death or life sentence and the reason being that we don't even own our life. Nothing about us belong to us, we only belong to God and the government of the land.

So, for this reason there's freedom as stipulated by the government of the nation you reside or belong to, but there's no total freedom. What this means is that freedom we claim to have is a regulated freedom for that matter and to be candid, it's better that way so as to avert the danger this said unregulated freedom might caused the human race and it society.

This is my entry to the week 152, Edition 03 of the weekly Featured contest in the Hive Learners community.

Thanks for reading.

Picture sourced.

 4 days ago  

You have great analogy. I agree with what bible said. This full of human in society, should there a law.

 4 days ago  

Thanks for stopping by, that's just the truth of the matter

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