Hatred at it peak!

in Hive Learners2 months ago


Hatred is one of those emotional behaviours that comes with dislike, hostility or resentment towards a person or group of persons. This human attribute is one of the deadliest attribute of human being and this can be seen even from the time immemorial when a brother out of hatred killed his own blood brother as can be seen in the case of Cain, who killed Abel his younger brother out of hatred of God accepting his younger brother sacrifice and abhorred his. So, hatred is not a thing of recent time, but of old. So, for this reason, anybody can hate or be hated.

One thing about hatred is that it steals, kills and destroys humans and any kind of relationship that might have been in existence between human race most especially, between two or more people. Hatred might start very simple, but the end there of may lead to destruction. I have seen people hating other people for an unjustified reason. When I see this kind of hatred, I used to wonder and question the existence of man whom by creation and even by the commandments of God are to live together in love and unity, but here on earth, the reverse is the case. Though, this might be as a result of individual differences which make us to know that man is not perfect, but notwithstanding, we are humans and we suppose to be tolerant to each other and even let love prevails rather than hatred.
Seriously, I have been a victim of hatred, but one thing this has done to me is that it strengthened me the more as I no longer react to being hated by people. Though, before now, or let me say while growing up, I and my family lived in a face me and face you apartment, where we have different characters. In this kind of apartment for my area, you will see people forming caucus or groups against each other and most of those who engaged in this act are mostly women, though, we also have some men who pitched their tent with other men to fight and hate their fellow men too. Then, I used to have this kind heavy heart when being hated by others in the apartment, I used to be unhappy and whenever I heard the voice of the person that hated our family back then, I used to be angry and at the same time afraid, there's a day I asked my mum why things were like that, but she couldn't provide an answer to my question. But in the course of our staying in that our face me and face you apartment, I was able to learn and relearn how to cope with hatred that comes with all sorts of things such as malice, slander, gossip and a whole lot more. While staying in this apartment, there's an encounter between my mum and a co-tenant, this tenant has always defame my mum both in the private and public space, but my mum used to keep quiet, but on this fateful day, my mum could not curtail her anger any longer as the woman in question with her slander told the general neighborhood that my mum was having an affair with her boss at work, when my mum heard this, she couldn't curtail her anger as she confronted the woman but with some kind of leniency. So, afterwards, my mum vowed to put an end to the long term slander that has been going on against her as peddled by mummy cynthia in the neighborhood and as a result, my mum filed a suit in the court of law. Though, both parties later settle everything out of court and that later led to our moving away from that apartment to another cool and descent one.

So, since then, I have learnt to live with the hatred of people without letting their hatred have any effect on my peace of mind, like I said earlier, people would hate you for no reason, but you must not allow their hatred to overpower or dominate you and since I have come to this reality, I have always take people's hatred as compliment and a desire to forge ahead doing great things without even wasting my energy and time with even all the resources at my disposal in hating them back. Do you know while trying to hit back at one haters, energy, time and other resources are being consumed, and in that case, you're going to be doing yourself more harm than good by strengthening your haters and filling their teeth more to bite you harder.

One thing about haters is that, they are do or die people and they can go to any length to hating or slandering you. They have this kind of a domineering spirit, they always want to dominate and hold ones emotions and feelings hostage, they are these set of people that always want to entrap one's mind or spirit with their hatred and threatening behavior. But overtime, I have decided not to look the way of haters and slanders and whenever I am being hated, I overlook the hatred and the haters and react to their action as if it doesn't exist and as if the hater doesn't exist as well. But only take action when the act is life threatening and before even taking action, I would have exercised more patience and brokering peace by all means with the hater and if the hatred persist with my life in danger, I took to the elders maybe in the neighborhood or community and if it's what they can handle, I take legal action.

Another thing about haters and slanders is that, no amount of your good deed to them can change them from hating or slandering you. In fact, you can't please them talkless of you giving them reasons not to hate or slander you. This last assertion of mine took me down memory lane of what happened at my shop few years ago, then, when I just came to Ibadan, I was with a friend who accommodated me at his shop for my POS business. Then, when I came to that shop, I was with one trouser and a shirt, but not quite long, there's this mass recruitment in the state civil service which I applied for, with so many people also showing interest in the same job, among whom there's a woman very close to our shop. So, a date was fixed for the exam and we all went to write the exam. Fortunately for me, I passed and was employed, but unfortunately for the other woman and her friends, they could not scale through the hurdle and as a result, they were not employed. So, when I started the Job and going to work, this said woman who has always been friendly with me and my friend change to us and was giving us this kind of a bad attitude, but since I would not let her hatred affect me, I was doing my own thing without even giving her a kind of reaction that's best deserved to her action, but this woman would not relent in hating me, not only that, she went ahead and was telling people that the result in my hand is a fake one and that I applied and got the job with a forge result in my hand. When this was brought to my notice, I got angry, but I was being calmed down by a friend who told me not to strengthen the women's hatred towards me. So, when I heard this, I was calmed and my approach towards her was that of peace, though I could see the bitterness in her, but I was not moved by that, I told her what I heard and she admitted to the slander,but she later apologized to me for slandering me in the public. But thank God, she's now also employed.

So, taking the right actions towards haters is necessary, but it all depends. Some are to be settled peacefully, while others are to be settled legally. So, it all depends on whom one is dealing with. It might be a repentant or an unrepentant hater or hater. So, going to court might be necessary if the hatred and even the slander is life threatening. If it's life threatening, one must seek redress in the court of law, but if not, it can be settled peacefully in the court of man. So, hatred at it peak can only steal, kill and destroy good life and existing relationships. One must always desist from all form of hatred and slander which is usually brought about by envy and jealousy. Hatred is an act of bitterness of the heart that ine must work against and let me quickly add this to it, everybody is a potential hater and slander, so, whenever we find ourselves in that shoe, we should try and maintain our decorum which at the long run do us more good than harm. Checking ourselves time to time in discipline will always guide our heart from hatred.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the week 151, Edition 03 of the weekly Featured contest in the Hive Learner Community.

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Thank you for sharing this with us.Hello @samolaj

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Thanks for the advice

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