Every statement in this post is very relatable to me. I read something earlier today about your twenties being the season when you're most pressured in your life. The external pressure is just enough, the internal is just another story, it could go on for long if we don't learn to deal with it.
I'm sure your friend didn't know how huge the impact of those words were and she was right. I read in a book recently that we should stop looking to have it all figured out. Some of us might not have that feeling until later later in our lives. But, keeping on and scaling each milestone as it comes is what we should give priority and the bigger picture would surely give us the desired outcome.
Aesome write-up and you have great pictures as well! ❤
If there could be no time at all to feel pressured in this life, it would be great. Yet, it's these uncertainties that make life exciting. So, yeah, we have to deal with them—the sooner the better.
My friend has no idea how much of an impact her words were for me.
I think "trying to figure it all" is probably the root of all the confusion. Keeping steadfast, pushing forward, and not worrying may very well be a better approach.
Thank you for your kind words, Sekan. I've missed you, you know.
It's been like a millennium right? I've missed you too, I'll pop in one of these days.
Good friends are priceless. And life, we keep on keeping on.
You're welcome Benjay 🤗❤