Malaysia Has A Lot Of

in Hive Learners11 months ago

malaysia has a lot of.png

What days are workers most happy about? You guessed it, it is the holidays and second to that is probably payday. Holidays are a great time to be free of work to go on vacation, enjoy some me time, family time, and catching up with some friends. Today, I want to share my thoughts on days that would make sense to be free from work.

Firstly, Malaysia has a lot of holidays. This is due to the three main ethnic groups in Malaysia, Chinese, Malay and Indian. For example, within the last three months we had two big public holidays. The first was Chinese New Year that was in February and now Hari Raya which is celebrated by the Malay since most are Muslim. Malaysia also has different holidays based on the state so for my state I have about twenty public holidays. If we add up from other states, Malaysia has like 50+ public holidays. For students, they have even more because they get term holidays and end of year holidays.


The first day that comes to my mind is birthday. I think people that work should get their birthday off. There are people that use their leaves on their birthday anyways so employers might as well just give them this day off. It's only once a year so I don't see the big deal.

Another time that I can think about being free from work is if a family member passed away. The company should give some free days for the person to mourn for their family member. If I'm not wrong most companies do give compassionate leave which is usually about three days of leave for employees that lost a family member. I feel some people might need more than that hence they should get more free days. The employee wouldn't even able to focus at work so just let them come back when they are ready.

Skilling Up
Another time workers should get free days is to do some training. This training is not only beneficial to them but it will also benefit the company in the long run. The world is constantly changing and it's good to make sure employees have kept up and learned the new skills necessary to perform well in their company. For example, programming language is always evolving so what was learned during college/university may not be the same anymore years after.

Giving Back
Lastly, employers should value employees that are active in giving back to society. What do I mean by this? I'm talking about employees that do community service and give their time to help the community and the world become a better place. If there were important community service event dates, I think the employee should be able to get time off work to participate in helping out at the event.

Aside from the situations I listed, I couldn't really think of other situations where a worker should get more holidays or free time off work. I think these are good enough since they won't give students even more holidays. Personally for me, I don't really take holidays. I find myself always doing something since I've made an ambitious goal for myself before reaching thirty. I'm starting to focus super hard into crypto participating in communities and researching projects to invest in. Recently, I'm quite happy with getting around 0.179ETH in giveaways from holding Bumpies which you can see in my profile picture is a galactic bumpie and also a winning a planet NFT for apeiron from a raffle.


Anyways what do you think about workers getting these extra days off from work? If I missed something, do share your thoughts in the comments below.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


0.17 ETH.. wow man.. congratulations

 11 months ago  

yes bro. I shared in our discord as well. You didn't see it haha?. I've now made twice the amount i minted from these bumpies by just holding from eth giveaways lol that was their 4th one.

 11 months ago  


Personally I think getting more holiday for Skilling up is great. Nothing beats self development as it will affect any firm to which the workers are working for positively

I am also thinking of having extra holiday for workers during summer... perhaps working class parents will have the opportunity to enjoy the holiday more with their family

 11 months ago  

O.O yes i got it for holding bumpies O.O. Maybe it couldve been u :( i did tell u to buy them i remember.

nice to see that you agree with me on the skilling up.

Extra holiday for workers in summer? How would you propose this D: cuz u still need some workers working then is it fair to those that are working @_@. seems a bit complicated?

 11 months ago (edited) 

Yes..on a second thought, it wouldn't be fair for all will definitely favour some, leaving some behind. However, I remember this kind of joy when my brother's company asked all the staff to choose their three best days to work physically and work remotely the next day...the breaks in between working days made him rest more and crave to go to the office the next day
Imagine facing traffic today, staying back at home tomorrow to work on laptops without facing streek road stress...the strategy can be applied most companies favoring workers and it could affect productivity positively

 11 months ago  

O.O oh you worked at your brothers company? I'm not sure on everything though it has to make sense as well :3. We are viewing from a worker stand point but the boss has a diff view as well. They are responsible for all the employees and the company so they need to make sure the company staying afloat and stuff and if this strategy does make more productivity then im sure more companies will adopt it of course this is also dependent on the industry as well x.x. Don't think this would work for hospital workers we really need them there and they cant be at home

 11 months ago  

that's good that malaysia has a pretty goood enough holidays. Amazing !!!

 11 months ago  

haha ya what about your country?

I love alot of food can get anything here but i prefer to try new stuff like the odder the food the more i want to try it at least once. Like i like python jerky lol

 11 months ago  

o.o odder food? so like exotic?

Nice win !

 11 months ago  

thanks bro lets get wins in honey badger dao as well

Hell ya you either way when we randomly match up we win

 11 months ago  

oh lol this is ur other account