Never judge a book by its cover

in Hive Learners2 months ago

In life many things happen, one of them is being disappointed by someone you trust and sometimes we get to receive a very nice treatment by someone we least expect.
Some years back there was a particular girl that we just talk casually, it's being rumoured that she's in love with me whereas, reverse is the case for me, it's sad that there has never being a day I think about her yet she's dying in love already, I guess that's life.

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But then, there was something she did that really got me surprised even till date.
At the time I was going to national youth service, I was not financially buoyant and at the same time I can't refuse to go for the exercise because it's one of those things I've been looking forward to.
Like a week to when I'll be traveling, this very girl came visiting, then I was still living with my parent, and she came with alot of provisions, virtually the basic things I'll be needing to live a good life at camp, I was so surprised because I don't even expect such from her at all. I won't lie that made me start developing some kind of love for her... the rest is history lol.

Meanwhile there was a time I was treated poorly by someone I thought was nice, and seriously what happened that time changed my mentality alot about life, I got to have more understanding about people.
My dad is a kind of person that cares alot about family, he loves bringing everybody together, his brothers and sisters come to our house anytime they want, my dad love his siblings so much, that I can't even say how much the love is.

There was a time my dad gave his one and only car to his brother because he just lost his job as at that time, so he can utilize that to sustain his family for the time being. This same uncle of mine, who's my father's brother will always bring gift for me and my siblings when coming to our house, I was the last born then so my gift is always special, I thought this gifts he was giving us mean he's Mr. nice guy but I was totally wrong, little did I know that he was only pretending.

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Fast forward to few weeks later, I personally told my dad that I would love to go and spend the holiday at his brother's place, we were on long vacation as at that time, so I have all the time to myself, my dad loves me and would always want to see me happy so he accepted my request, on getting to my brothers house, the first three days, I was given a special treatment like that of a king, but subsequent days, everything changed, it was just like a nightmare, as if it was not the same uncle I use to know. Both him and his wife changed towards me drastically, they started treating me like a slave, like someone that's not even related to them at all. The maltreatment was getting too much that I couldn't take it anymore, I called my dad but he did not believe me, he trust his siblings too much, so I don't even expect him to believe quickly, which made me device a plan, they say "heaven help those who help themselves".

One faithful day, him and his wife went out and I was the only one at home, I had to run for my dear life, back to our house, my parent and siblings were very surprised to see me, that was when my dad believed all what I was complaining about. My dad asked him if he was really maltreating me but he denied, well I was less concerned, my stand is that I'm not going back to his house. After that time, I'm being very careful with him and understand that it's not everything that appears good that's really good, not all that glitters are gold.