Red flag in a relationship

in Hive Learners7 months ago (edited)

One of the annoying things I detest in a relationship is billing, that's when a lady or the guy keep demanding for money from the other partner, it's not only about ladies, some guys do it too but it's very common to the ladies. Whenever someone's child wants to turn me to dispensing machine, I will just run for my dear life.
I'm just a young guy who hasn't been into many relationships, just had a little experience before I finally got married. Trust me, if you're Nigerian, you would have experienced or seen someone that experience a similar scenerio where a lady will keep demanding for money from her guy as if the guy is her Messiah.


In the journey of life, I came across one lady like that, at first when it all started I thought maybe she was trying to feel at home, little did I know that I'm getting scammed gradually. This girl will keep asking for money, though not the big big kind of money but atleast all those little money later sum up to being big. It got to a point that I couldn't bear it anymore and I couldn't tell her directly that I'm no longer interested so I started by avoiding her gradually till everything worked out the way I wanted it, I was able to achieve the break-up I wanted peacefully without much drama.

Maybe it's just my understanding but I think as a lady you don't need to keep demanding money from your man everytime, doing this will only make you lose value before him and will also make him start avoiding you. Of course he's your man and he's expected to take care of you and you're expected to take care of him too don't forget, you should reciprocate the love. So even though your man is expected to give you money and take care of you, don't make it a habit by asking for money every now and then, this will definitely piss him off in no time, but rather buy him things too once in a while, that way he will feel loved and will also reciprocate the love without you asking for it.
I believe if a man really loves you, you don't need to keep asking before he knows his duty, taking myself as an example, I like giving my babe things/gifts even without her asking for it, that's just me.

One man's food is another man's poison though, maybe there are some guys that loves regular billing but for me it's a red flag and I can't just deal with it.
It's very common to some girls to bill their guy regularly and that's why such relationships don't last.
I watched a podcast few weeks ago, where a lady was saying that she will start billing any one that ask her out right from the very first day, the talking stage. Does that even make sense at all? The very first day a guy ask you out, you start asking him for money. Well it's simple, the guy will see you as the hungry type and if he decides to stay, he will do that mainly because of what he will get from you and once he gets it, he's out, while some won't even bother to stay at all.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

 7 months ago  

Money monger, it's a pity that's the mentality ladies carry these days

 7 months ago  

Please help us beg your fellow ladies ooo 😂😂

 7 months ago  

Lol ,really

 7 months ago  

It is also a red flag for me too, why would a lady feel the need to Bill me consistently when we are not even married yet 😅. This is what most ladies are known these days.

 7 months ago  

Thy feel comfortable doing that, I don't know why lols

 7 months ago  

This week alone I’ve had about 3 people come to talk to me about this issue. What I always tell them is that, as a guy, don’t let any lady feel entitled to your hard earned money. If you wish to give her, fine . But don’t allow her make it your responsibility. That’s why she has parents

Thank God you run for your life.😂

 7 months ago  

Ahhh God bless you for this reply oo 😃😃
I just wish every lady out there can have this understanding.

 7 months ago  

😂😂we need to update the sisterhood