Why transportation problem persist

in Hive Learners7 months ago

The cost of transportation in my country is more than alarming, it's over alarming, infact we don't even know where we're heading to, it's just like it's getting worse every day. Imagine suffering from what we have, and not just what we have but what we have in abundance. Greed is killing is killing us seriously. We're now paying double of what we use to pay for transport few years back. I'm a Nigerian, and everyone that knows Nigeria, knows we have crude oil in abundance, but some of our leaders are just so greedy that what they do is just to embezzle the money being generated from it, sometime ago I use to think why will a country that has crude oil in abundance like my country not have a working refinery, a place we can refine our oil, start using it for ourselves and also selling it to other nations, but it seems some people are making huge sum of money from that exportation of crude oil and then buying it back from them.


Left to me it's so annoying and embarrassing, we have the money to build a standard refinery but greediness won't let us build ours, one man also built one recently but they're refusing to support him by giving/selling crude oil for him so he can refine in his refinery.
Our major problem of transportation in Nigeria is the issue of high cost of fuel, the price of petrol is getting out of hand by the day, imagine fuel that use to be below hundred naira some years back is now selling for eight hundred and fifty naira to nine hundred naira and sometimes we will have to queue for hours or days before we can finally buy. Our present president decides to remove fuel subsidy and that's what makes the matter worse, for the past one year now the price has increased drastically.

Two years ago, when I'm traveling to my place of work, I normally spend five thousand naira for both the cost of going and coming back, but now the price has doubled yet, salary refuse to double, we've been fighting for increase in minimum wage and now that it's being approved, some state like my state still refused to pay it, so what's the meaning of the increase, it's meaningless.
The major problem we're facing currently in Nigeria as regards transportation and every other goods and services that's in on the increase is the issue of fuel, if the price should reduce, I'm very sure that everybody will smile again except for the greedy ones that are benefiting from the pain of masses.


Another similar problem that looks like it is our bad roads. Nigeria is so rich but yet we're suffering from bad roads, and this has been the cause of many accident that's happening on our roads daily. While people are trying to dodge pot holes, they sometimes collide with another vehicle that's also trying to dodge the pot holes and thereby resulting to accident. Asides accident, bad roads also makes our vehicle develop faults regularly, thereby causing unnecessary spending. We just hope our government will help us solve this issues soon.
God bless Nigeria.

 7 months ago  

Everything is just retrogressing in Nigeria and no one knows the way forward. To go out nowadays dey even fear me all because of exhorbitant transport fare. It is well o

 7 months ago  

When big woman like you dey fear to go out, who am I 😂😂

 7 months ago  

Lol, nah money to chop I dey look for now😢😢

 7 months ago  

I refuse to be whined 😂

 7 months ago  

 7 months ago  

Thank you 🎉

 7 months ago  

I remember a day I was traveling from Lagos to ilorin. Our driver was trying to maneuver around a pothole at a curve side of the road not knowing a trailer is coming. Immediately we faced the big truck, our driver diverted into the bush to save our life. I have never be so scared in my life.

The fuel issue is not even something I want to talk about because I would write 5k words

 7 months ago  

Swears, if we should start talking about the fuel issue, we won't stop.

Thank God for your life oo, God will continue to protect us.

 7 months ago  
