Pollution is putting our health at risk.

in Hive Learners3 days ago
Pollution is putting our health at risk



Day by day, nature and our bodies are starting to react negatively. All these adverse reactions do not happen by chance; they are due to various types of pollution. By pollution we mean soil, water and air pollution. Dhaka, Bangladesh, is one of the top cities in the world on the list of unlivable countries.

Our Bangladesh ranks highest in terms of soil, water and air pollution and is constantly becoming an unfit city for human beings. Over-urbanization, industrialization, overpopulation It is making us increasingly sick.
The area I live in has a lot of industries that discharge a lot of waste and these are polluting the water in the local canals and the smoke and harmful chemicals emitted from these factories.

In our country, there are suddenly some strange diseases that people have never seen before. I think that such strange diseases are more common because of all this pollution. Moreover, due to pollution, various diseases of the heart, skin, and lungs are becoming more prevalent, and cancer is also on the rise.

New vehicles are being added every day, and the black smoke emitted from them is constantly polluting the air, while unplanned potholes on the roads are causing more widespread air pollution.

A visit to hospitals shows that most patients are developing increasingly fragile conditions due to lung cancer and various types of skin diseases. Yet we are increasingly threatening the environment, as a result of which the environment is behaving negatively towards us and we are increasingly becoming sick.

To overcome this situation, we first need to enact strict laws and raise awareness. I think social awareness can play a big role in such situations. Neither you nor I can solve this complex problem alone. Only when we all come together to get rid of this polluted environment will we be able to get out of this situation. We should all protect the environment from air pollution, soil pollution, and water pollution from our respective locations.


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I am Shopnil Hasan, From Bangladesh. I am Mechanical Engineer. I work with machines as a profession and blogging is my passion. My hobbies are gardening and traveling to new places. I am nature lover. Love and Simplicity is my power ☘️


