Friends that found me

in Hive Learnerslast year

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A colleague from work mentioned that he noticed I’m not the type of person to be outgoing in the first meetup. It takes time for me engage with others. And honestly, he couldn’t have said it any better.

The art of making friends, is something that I struggle with a lot.
The closest friends I have now, it’s either they made the first move, or we find ourselves in the same environment, started talking after a while and just never stopped talking.
My “best friend” in senior high school said she tried to make friends with me In when I first arrived in the boarding house and I snubbed her. Then I suddenly started talking to her.
I didn’t think I did anything wrong cause I had just met you, and I couldn’t just talking to you like I’ve known you all my life.

But living together with other girls in the boarding house, it changed me a lot. I was literally making a conversation with almost everyone around. And that’s because I’ve known them long enough to talk to them.

In the university though, I thought I should make the first move in making friends. And the people I eventually got close to, we became very close and things happened. Now we are back to being strangers. Which gives me the impression that regardless of how picky I think I am, I’m still not making the right choices.

I know so many people. I talk to them based on certain things we have in common. But you can count the number of friends I have by your fingers. And that’s something I take pride in. I don’t know what I would be doing with plenty friends when the few I have makes me feel fulfilled.

I kept the word best friend in quotes when I first typed it. It’s because I don’t think I’m anyone’s best friend. One thing I’ve had to learn the hard way is that I may fall among the list of friends someone has, but I’m never that one friend. And when I made peace with that, things became a lot easier for me. I’m able to enjoy the moment with people and just leave it as it is.
I’ve noticed that making friends in person now is easier for me rather than online. Cause I can see you and have a great conversation with you and hardly reply your messages online. I feel that the vibe from talking in person just can’t match to doing it online.
But even still, I would have to see you around for quite some time to actually initiate conversations with you. And when I finally do, I realize ive been missing out.

This thing about not being sociable in the beginning got me into a little situation at work. Cause tell me why this man thinks I’m crushing on him😂😂. In my head, I’m like “Sir, have you met my baby??”😂. Anyway, that’s a story for another day.


I got the last part and now forgot all that I read
Please I also haven’t met your baby😂😂

Khadi and Rafa’s picture drew my attention and before I saw your name I just knew you posted it because I think they are the one people I used to see you with on campus

And for the best friend,hmm don’t even worry yourself
They showed me pepper and now I’m actually done with best friends Charley
Close friends and normal friends but for best friend not even Angel Gabriel can change my mind

 last year  

😂 and you won’t see her baby too.

How come you know all these people and we never saw you 😂. Ghost 😂

🤣🤣🤣🤣it’s called moving in silence

 last year  

😂😂 naa this is not silence. You were a ghost 😂

Do ghosts make noise?😂

 last year  

Yes, you just now 😂😂

 last year  

Don’t worry. You will meet my baby when the time is right

I think if it wasn’t for those two, give would have been my first time of seeing you.

Men and women all will show you😂😂😂😂

They will show you🤣

 last year  

Identifying the kind of friend that you are in your circle of friends is very important, that way it'll help you know how to handle matters and even relate with them

 last year  

And help you avoid unnecessary expectations and disappointments

 last year  

I’m sorry Mariam, but I remember nothing else from the post aside the last part 😃. Please I haven’t seen your baby too😂. Let me go back and read the post. 😅

Certain situations make us learn some valuable lessons regardless of how bad they turn out to be. It’s sad you’ve had bad experiences with some of your “best friends”. I like few friends too cos having so many friends is just some way.

 last year  

I don’t know what’s in the last part that’s making all of you lose focus😂

You can’t use ordinary eyes to see my baby oo

It’s all good. The earlier I learnt those lessons, the better

 last year  

😂😂 there’s some sugar in the last part.

😂 the gods will show me your baby

 last year  

😂😂😂 ah God, I’m reading this post smiling all for me to see ‘have you seen my babe’.

I was going to be your new best friend but since you’re asking us if we’ve seen your babe, please show him to us. We haven’t seen him.😂😂

 last year  

First of all, why are you smiling??

You not seeing my babe doesn’t prevent you from being my best friend.

Besides if you haven’t seen him by now de3, unless you wait for the wedding flyer😂😂😂

 last year  

can't I smile again? eih😂😂

Don't worry,i'll find him before the wedding.😂😂

 last year  

Best of luck