Buying and selling is a crucial part of human existence. No one gets to be the manufacturer of everything he or she needs, hence, the need for markets to fill the gap of the things we don't have.
Traders, on the other hand are constantly in the pursuit of making profits from their businesses which isn't bad, but in recent times, some traders no longer wants to make a reasonable profit but wants to cover all their gains with selling just one product making it a longer process with the bargainings. As a result, the ability to negotiate prices has become an essential skill for survival in my country.
I have always been a fan of bulk buying from my days in school, hence I don't really get to walk to the ends of the market to get a particular product. When I come to an area for the first time, I just randomly pick a shop when I get to the market for the first time and buy what I came to buy from the person, then, later I'll get to compare the prices in that same market day and if the seller sold for a good price to me, automatically, that person becomes my first go-to anytime I want to buy those products.
About two years ago, I had an Unforgettable experience with a trader I regularly bought foodstuffs from. As usual, I went straight to her shop to get few things I needed, after making purchases, I was expecting to hear the price of what I've bought so I could pay buy the next thing I heard was her asking me how's school treating me? And as if it wasn't enough, she encouraged me like her own son. She ended up giving me few goods that were almost same worth as the ones I bought for free.... I was shocked because normally, most traders are always out to suck you dry with any opportunity they see but not only did she welcome me like a mother, she also gave me advices and goods, it was indeed an experience.
When I eventually graduated, I told her about my induction and as shocking as it may, I saw her in my celebration. Jeez, she closed her shop just to come join me in my celebration, that was a hell lot of sacrifices. She wasn't your regular trader for real.
On the other hand, the woman I used to buy beans from since the other woman wasn't selling was just out to get me. She will be laughing with me and still ripping me. She once sold to me at a price twice the market value and just as I was leaving the market, I decided to ask for the price just out of curiosity if it was indeed the dollar fluctuation that caused the hike in price only to discover that price wasn't affected and this woman was hiding behind the shadows of dollar fluctuation to rip me off despite my wearing school uniform that day😂, I was shocked that this woman had the mind to do that kind of thing, she was just selfish and after her own pocket.
From that day henceforth, I never went back to her shop despite her calling me when I passed by, just decided to leave her dwell in guilt of what exactly did she do to me, that's even if she cares though.
These encounters reminds me that there are still good and selfless people out there while the second experience reminded me that some persons are still after their selfish gain so I should face the reality especially by comparing prices and not to trust people so much except when they've earned it.
In as much as we all wants to survive, it shouldn't be at the expense of our neighbours because the best form of win is one where everyone wins and everyone is happy.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day 👍
Posted Using INLEO
its hard to see people giving out their products for free, not to talk of closing their shops to be in yor induction. She's really a nice person.
Pertaining the beans seller, i have a similar case here. They will crack the most jokes for you to laugh, even tell you that they are selling it cheap because you are their brother or sister, only for you to realize later on that you've been reaped. lol.
i'm glad to read your lovely entry
Brooo it's very annoying for real, why will you be doing bad and still laughing over it, that's like Mockery
For the first woman, I still have her number till today and will always patronise her anytime I enter Enugu
Thats the importance of being good. Goodness attracts goodness but being bad and cunning attracts the same thing.
No doubt... Everyone gets paid for in their own coins
To see traders who can close their shop for their consumers is a outstanding one. But that of those who sold 3 time more than the actual price is outrageous..
Very very rare bro, I wasn't inviting her to come actually, that Kain invite na, it's basically just for her to know I've graduated but seeing her come, wow, I never expected it
Some can just be wicked for no reason
Seller's that purposely increase prices of the things they sold will loose customer's one after another, and the day they will know what is going on, that is when he/she will understand that all it customer's have stop buying from them.
It's good to make profit in business, as that is what keeps the seller's in the business, but not wanting to make every profit the business could give just from a sell, most buyer's won't come back as they find out.
Exactly! No one loves to be cheated bro
So once you discover someone has been cheating you from where you've been buying, you'll just leave immediately
That's exactly what to do, good morning bro.
These two sided experience with traders is common to all and which is a determinant for their outcomes in life.
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Awesome write-up
You're welcome man
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