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I am here wondering, asking myself: How many people in this world today have a personal mission statement? Something that they write or say to themselves daily to make them remember who they are, or at least the person they want to be. I am not sure of the answer but if I were to say, I would say not very much and that is because I think keeping a personal mission statement and having to tell yourself every day is not easy.
And why is that?

I believe doing this is a matter of consistency and consciousness. We live in a world of distractions and it is very easy to lose oneself. You slowly—gradualy—lose yourself and start living life as the wind blows. It is very easy to live life that way, but very dangerous at the same time.
As for me, I have written down a personal mission statement so many times that I have forgotten some and totally even forgot everything. I got distracted, I got less intentionally, I became lost, and now I have found myself in a bit of awareness; I believe this is a good thing. It is not a good thought because I have been all that I have mentioned but because I am now in a place of awareness that I need to read through my personal mission statement again and ask myself this question: Am I really living a life according to what I have described here?

This journey to self-improvement and self-actualization is not an easy one, but at the end, I know it leads to an easy and self-fulfilling life. This reminds me of a quote I heard from somewhere that says that weak people make easy choices and live tough lives, while tough people make hard choices and live easy lives. No wonder there is also another saying: If it is easy, everyone will be doing it. Hence the difficult choices are the best ones to make.
Having a personal mission statement, sticking to it, reframing your daily life, and questioning yourself every day is not easy, especially if you were not brought up that way. So if you are going to incorporate it as part of your life, you will better be ready to put in a lot of work fighting against yourself for not wanting to do something new and embrace the fact that your life needs structure and needs a written purpose where all your choices will be decided upon.
Here is my written personal mission statement; maybe it can guide you to writing yours:
Thanks for this it just openned my eyes to what I have been missing living free without a purpose loss in the previous errors I made in the past and still moving in a loop wandering what's next on line... I hopefully I will get my mind in order and find myself back to my true mission.