Smiles... Man, you dey engage! It's really tough to do things on our own in fact, man cannot survive without the help of another man.
Yeah, we tend to grow faster when guided than not having someone to guide us. Right now, what that took me 4 years to know, @olujay learned it within a month. You see the differences and the reason for having people with experience. It brings shortcuts to success.
Ómo bro, I don reach to put ring for person right..just like man cannot live by bread alone but with the help of his fellow men, he can catch fish and add to the bread..
You're right! And olujay is a perfect example...I've been seeing him everywhere, dudes actually growing at a very fast rate, he learnt from the best and things has been easy ever since..
Thanks for your reply ❤️
Thanks man!
Smiles. Except from learning from the best. He is full of energy and wanting to learn. So he goes about observing people’s work and learning from them @olujay don sabi pass me like this!
Abegg oo, make dem no best me outside o.
Thank you for these kind words sirs, @starstrings01 and @chincoculbert
I owe a million accolades to you, my mentor. You have been there for every question, even the silly ones, and for every conversation that has, in one way or another, been a contributing factor.
Speaking of newbies, I have some questions and need some help. So, I'll be storming your discord soon.
Lol. My discord is always open man.