Peer pressure is good when you are amidst the right set of people. I am someone who likes to remain positive, so I mind what I watch or the people I move with. I have believed that the way my life would shape in the next 5 years, depends on what I consume and the friends I have around.
So I am picky with my friends... I have many acquaintances but few friends...
Talking about social media... You need to see my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts. The content on them is based on the kind of content I want to consume; inspirational, wealth and finance, and tech content. This is why when I go to these social media I don't really feel it is a waste of time because I get to consume stuff that adds to my life.
Yeah, peer pressure is not always bad... but because the bad side is easily seen and more pressurising...
it is easy to learn a good thing but it is easier to emulate a bad thing.
It's easier to emulate a bad thing... Very true. That's why intentionality is very important.