Why You’re Still Procrastinating—and How to Finally Stop!

in Hive Learners4 months ago

They say self-discipline kills procrastination, but how can one be self-disciplined?

I have asked myself this question severally, and recently I found an answer that best fit, but before letting the cat out of the bag. Let us discuss a little bit about procrastination. First of all, procrastination is not a bad thing; it is only bad when you procrastinate the important things. When you procrastinate on things that do not have value or do not have much contribution to you for something else more important and urgent, then it is referred to as creative procrastination.


Thumbnail generated by Dall-E 😅

Back to being self-disciplined, before you can become one, you need to ask yourself: What goal, what purpose are you trying to achieve? The real question is, What is your vision? Vision drives purpose and encourages one to be disciplined. When one has a vision, there is an emotional attachment to it, and that emotional attachment is what is usually identified as a will.

People with no vision and no reason to stay up at night and rise early from bed are usually not disciplined. They most likely would choose to do anything, anywhere, anyhow, anytime they want to. Not like they have freedom per se, but they don't have something that drives them, something that they seek; hence, they become careless with their time.

When you have a vision, you create systems that would keep you for success. Systems that make your life organised will set you out as a leader. You will have the will, the drive, and the passion to push through in the face of perseverance, challenges, and even procrastination.

If you choose to procrastinate, it will be only on things that do not matter and that do not align to your vision. You will learn to delegate tasks of less important or urgent things to people who you believe can do them just as you want them to be. You will learn to trust in people and lead people towards your vision.

The main point here is:

What is your vision? Are you emotionally invested in achieving it? Do you have a strong enough emotional commitment to your vision that it can be considered your Will?


This is a very good read. Procrastination is not a bad thing especially when it is done with the “not so important” things. I should print this and post it on the wall of my room.

yeah it is definitely not a bad thing... but make sure you list out your important things. So you will be sure on what to procrastinate.

I know the onboarder, Joshua Jessie. He probably thought it must have been resourceful tagging me to the post.

I struggle with this! Making lists and starting the day strong always helps me