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RE: Stress Is Part Of Life

in Hive Learners2 years ago

Overthinking stuff never helps too, you know:)
In order to achieve our goals sometimes we have to grit our teeth and just keep moving forward, there is no other option. I think your approach is healthy - some nervous situations are unavoidable, and more so - shouldn't even be avoided. We wouldn't achieve anything if we avoided all stressful situations, right?

Nevertheless, practice makes perfect. Situations in life start to repeat themselves after a while - and then you can use your experience as your shield:)

#dreemport brought me here today:)

 2 years ago (edited) 

Hmmm.. you have spoken so we'll that I feel like writing it on a piece if paper so that I can be seeing it everyday.

You are right, without stress we wouldn't achieved a lot that we have today. Somethings that we consider as hardship are really behind the success we have, so they should not be avoided and for stress it's even compulsory 😁😁

Practice indeed makes perfect, the more we go through a situation, the more we get acquitted with it and it becomes like a normal part of life..

Thanks so much for the beautiful feedback

To be fair - whatever keep you going, whatever works! Keep trying different approaches to deal with pressure, becouse it will not just go away. It will not go away - as long as you will be challenging yourself, and I hope - you will!

I know that for some people stress can be even motivating too and for some is just soul - killer, but regards all of that - we still should try our best:)

See you around!

 2 years ago  

You have said it all, stress will not go off it's part of life and demands will keep coming to pose pressure on us to work, the best thing is to find a way to manage the stress and keep working...

Thanks for reading.. I love your view on this matter

Yep, 100%. Avoiding difficulties never ends well :D We just have to learn to cope with stuff as best as we possibly can:)