Happy weekend friends if hive 🥰🌸
Peer Pressure is one thing every one of us went through in one circumstances or the other but in different ways. And some of this peer pressures was what made us to adapt to the lifestyle we are living today because some of the pressures turned out to be good, especially those that made us to become more confident of ourselves.
Peer pressure comes in various ways and forms. There are some that are good pressures that helps to taste our ability and force us to take charge of the situation, as we strive to make something positive come out of it which has also lead to how many individuals today can work under pressure in there offices and business places.
Although we know many individual’s mindset about peer pressure always goes to things that are bad because of how age development hinders many in decision making at this point in life which makes many being pressured and do the wrong thing, but we can also testify of how we over came some pressures positively.
As a teenager then I faced so many pressures from my peers because of how I grew up from a family where we the younger ones looks up to the seniors in the family in behaviors and decision making. And going to boarding school 🏫 one is faced with many kinds of characters from other students which most times makes one overwhelmed. And it happened that some of this students are so wild 😛, wanting you to do what they are doing especially in having affairs secretly while deceiving their parents.
During weekend days of going home to their parents, they will decide to go to their boyfriends place making the administrative office believe they are going to their homes. And the worst is that they will want you as a friend to join them. But I usually stood my ground those days telling them I must visit my parents which I continued to do making sure no pressure will make me do what I don’t want to do. And as time went by, the administrative office started keeping tags on some of them through calling their parents . However, many of them who engaged in such acts were suspended for months that they missed teachings and examinations. It was a big lesson to many of us who did not join this group of girls.
We have friends that can impact good positive vibes in our lives while we also have the bad ones who brings negative pressures and will want you to be in it. Its all about what you want as a person. The influence peer pressure brings is so huge that sometimes one ends up in it negatively just because you want to belong with them. But the decision some us made then while in the boarding school 🏫 helped us as time went on because every incident in life brings us wisdom through lessons learnt. And many of those girls whose focus was to be visiting boys was not able to make good grade.
And since after that incident, I was able to build up myself confidence believing in myself and promised myself that no one or anything can pressure me in life. Because if we can be able to stand up to others during peer pressure, we are then taking bold steps to face what ever that can come our way after this very crucial age of decision make times were we are always forced to see things differently.
Today I can handle family and work problems no matter how pressured I could be. All I need do is to keep telling myself of how I can do it, devising the best option to take that will yield positive outcomes. And I can also tell you that sometimes it does not appear easy, but they said slow and steady wins the race. Overtime I have come to realized of how understanding how pressured I am helps me with the pace I go, articulating how quickly I want to achieve my objectives towards the situation.
When I started my business management course I was so panicked 😱 of how I will cope with family and work because of how Realtor field is not an easy one. But I told myself how I can do it. And as the course progressed, I started having some class on zoom to help me cover up quickly with the help of the lectures. And before knowing it, the six months flew like never a thing.This experience has taught me to always believe in myself despite what ever circumstance that comes my way. Sone pressures can break us while others make us even stronger. Its a matter of decision making.
This is my response to the #hivelearners featured content for week 153, edition 03, tagged “THE GOOD PRESSURE”.
Thank you for reading friends 🥰💕🌸.
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