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RE: Pictures Attacked HiveLearners!

in Hive Learners2 years ago

That's the World Bank cutoff for extreme poverty and minimum wage for our Nigerian writers. I know its virtually impossible but I have time and financial expertise. If I can't come up with some valid points then the poor are truly out of luck.

Of course it is a fools errand to be sure. However, I'm having fun trying and as I said getting some spirited responses from the community.

(In Canada a room for rent is closer to 500 HBD per month so 2.15 is just plain lunacy. However, I can get my food bill that low at least...sort of :)

Good to hear from you and I'll be looking to delegate more to the Hive Pakistan group when I get back from my mini vacation.

 2 years ago  

Looking forward to whatever you come up with. :)